
Is this serious depression or what?

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i dont know what is wrong with me at ALL.

i know you may think im young but i just started highschool. ive been told i may have depression,

i never want to do anything anymore like honestly like socialize with others, go to school etc.

i dont play sports or enjoy anything i used to do anymore.

i got depressed when school started, i can't focus on any work at all no matter how hard i just try to live life and focus normally.

i have either lack of sleep or too much sleep and i have eating problems sometimes i eat a bit too much or sometimes barly anything at all.

i'm really slow, i can't focus on anything, i forget very easily, i get hurt easily, im sensitive, i feel bored and down alot

i really dont understand why i'm like this




  1. They tell everyone they are depressed, thats what they get paid to tell kids. Pill companies pay doctors tons of money to prescribe anti-depressants. Your feelings are normal, just take some time off for yourself. You deserve it, start reading a good book or something.  

  2. it could be depression, or SAD depending on wehre you live, or it could do with what you eat.

    if you eat bad foods, that have lots of sugar or are fatty, it can cause you do be depressed.

    see a counselor or something... but it could be with the foods you're eating.



  3. sounds like a bad case of EMO

  4. This sounds exactly like depression, which hit me at about the same age.  The good news is that counseling and possibly medication can do wonders.  The best thing to do is to go see your family doctor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  There is no way you will feel better without getting some help.  Doctors deal with depression on a daily basis so there is nothing to be ashamed of.  I would like to say that you can only get better, but the truth is that without medical help you could feel even worse.  Don't let that happen.  Take care of yourself.  

  5. Sorry, but you asked, it is depression.

    Fortunately, you can get over it because you are young and have many changes to look forward to, and are not on the downside of life, in a rut, or having major stress - this stress is normal in adolescence.

  6. I know what you mean. Its okay your not the only one. its common for kids in high school. Try talking to someone. Make friends. They'll help you through this.

    hope the best

  7. Well, you could be lazy. We all are! Usually, depresssion follows physical or psychological trauma. Its unlikely that you just developed major depression.  Let me explain.

    When I was younger I remember telling my parents, "I think I am depressed". I was just bored. All my friends were doing homework, and I had no one to hang out with. Sometimes, a change of pace is hard to adapt too. You may lash out for no reason, and then forget about it.

    On the other hand, if this is something that you've been experiencing for months, then you may have a problem. Since your younger and probably have not researched 'Depression' you may not know that depressive disorder are real serious. Depression can literary confine you to your bed with a headache, constipation, thoughts that people will hurt, etc. You know how I know?

    I was diagnosed with major depression and some really weird condition where the muscles inside of my face twitch uncontrollably after I suffered a severe concussion. I was playing basketball one summer after college had let out, and I suffered a heat stroke. During the heat stroke I lost control of my limbs, my body gave way, and a slammed by head against a television. I didn't even know what happened afterwards. A couple days later I started getting these random muscle twitches, headaches, fatigue, and I felt like I was losing control of my bowels. Those are all real symptoms of depression and that would keep most people from hanging out with there friends. Its quite sad actually. I just started taking anti-depressants, so I am excited, but I spent many many nights researching depression. I went from attending a division I college, partying all the time, sports, whatever to totally alienating myself and spending all my time visiting doctors. They had so much trouble diagnosing me! I figured my story might steer someone in the right direction and appreciate it.

    My point is don't jump to conclusions, the information you find online can be quite confusing, and like I said, 'depression' is very unknown right now amongst the medical community, so doctors prescribe meds because they know how hard it is diagnose it properly, and they get free vacations from the pharmaceutical companies, haha. Try to change your lifestyle a bit. Good luck.

  8. Sounds like your hormones are out of whack, and that can result in depression.  Please get a physical, and include a hormone panel, especially if you've started your period in the last year or haven't started yet.  There are often medical reasons for this, and properly treated, the feelings will go away.  

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