
Is this signs of yeast infection???

by Guest65816  |  earlier

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Hi lately ive been having a bit of a problem that i havent dealt with before.

i see discharge more often than i did before, and it smells. i take showers everyday making sure that im squeaky clean all over, i dont have issues with burning or itching and my discharge is not thick and does not resemble cottage cheese. its just clearish, smooth texture,

Its getting on my nerves and im starting to worry that i have yeast infection. :( please help!




  1. Discharge that is clear and odourless is usually normal. And women tend to have more discharge during certain times in their cycles. But if it smells, or changes colour it could be an indication that you may have an infection. If you are sexually active you may have an STI/ STD. You may want to get some testing done. Also if it is a yeast infection it is a good idea to go and see your doctor if it is your first one.  

  2. Discharge that has a smell and is not accompanied by itching is usually a symptom of bacterial vaginosis (BV.)  It needs to be treated with an antibiotic, so go see a doctor!

    Even the cleanest woman can get BV.  I'd go in for a checkup just to make sure.  :)  It's really easy to treat.

  3. white or clear discharge is a good sign as long as its not in clores you should be ok, but you still could have a yest infection, you should see your doc fo that.

  4. All women have a natural discharge, all are different depending on how old they are and what part of the life cycle they are in and what part of the menstrual cycle they are going through. A normal discharge is healthy. A smelly one could be a sign of a infection.

    I am sorry to hear that you do not have an open relationship with your Mom.

    I would look into any free clinics which are around your area. Plan-Parenthood Clinics, you can go to one of these clinic and your parents do not need to know. If you do not have the money-that's o.k they will see and treat you.

    Good Luck.

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