
Is this spoiled?

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my sister wants a horse and my mom doesnt have the money but got her the horse anyways does this meen shes spoiled.




  1. Yes, this does means she's spoilt. A spilt brat.

    I got a mouse...-.-





  2. Yeah she's spoilt.

  3. omg

    it dupends if she jets the hourse and get evere thing she want s hey.but if she still don't get the horse will no........and don't ask for a lot still now.....

  4. if she doesnt have money, how is she going to take care of the horse. buy the food for it. vet checks. vaccinations, have its hooves and teeth done.

  5. it means your mom is crazy

    if she didnt have the money for a horse but got one any way

    how is she going to buy feed and pay vet bills and have its hooves trimmed

  6. If your mom doesn't have the money, what in h*ll would she buy a horse? Obviously thats spoiled, but I feel worse for the horse. If there isn't money to feed it and keep it healthy, then it'll have a crappy life.
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