
Is this tennis elbow??

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ok im a bodybuilder and think i have a mild case of tennis elbow, i had a little bit of popping like a few times a day when i fully extended my arm and tensed my tricep, and i had 2 days off, then i went and did shoulders/triceps together, and my elbow joints are sore again, at the bottum,and near myforearm, i've been icing it, and wearing a support thing for it when i sleep and during the day, im on my second day after training triceps, and i think its getting better, but im taking 2 weeks off, then doing back and stuff again, and on the third week il go into light tricep work with perfect form, will it just come back again do you think? or what? i dont want this to get in my way of bodybuilding, BTW it doesnt hurt when im just sitting down, and when i pick stuff up it doesnt hurt, but if i went to workout, it would hurt, is this tennis elbow?when im on comp for ages it doesnt hurt, but i can feel its been used more or something.




  1. Cortisone is really not a good idea. Once you start using it there may be a chance that you'll be reliant on it as a sportsman. Continual use of cortisone can lead to osteoporotic change (changes that lead to osteoporosis) of bones near the joint.

    The best method for tennis elbow is massage for your tricep and brachioradialis (in your forearm) muscles. An osteopath can help with this.

  2. Tennis elbow usually happens when you are continually doing the same movement for long periods of time ie painting or tennis. It is very painful and always hurts when you go to lift things up. You should see your doctor for a diagnosis. I have suffered for over a year now and find the cortisone injections great at getting rid of the pain they may be uncomfortable to have but worth it in the long run.

  3. I just had surgery for this.  I was having pain when I lifted things or just to press on it.  I got 2 shots which really hurt but really help.  However, my dr. wouldn't give me anymore than 2, so I opted for the surgery.  That was 2 wks ago and so far so good.  Good luck!

  4. Extend your forearm out palm down, try and keep you middle finger stiff as you can and then try and push it down with a finger from you other hand if it hurts at bone in elbow you have TE. Also you should have pain at the outside bony prominence of your elbow

    You need ice wrap, pain creams and gels and advil per label and a tennis elbow also may get relief by wearing a wrist night splint when sleeping. You need to lay off elbow/arm activities x 4 wks.  
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