
Is this the best submission ever?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's pretty close to the best.

  2. No.

    Logically, the best that you can say is that it is the best that you have personally seen.

  3. Yes... that is the best submission ever.

  4. h**l yes.

  5. Probably the luckiest ever, pulling off a flying scissor heel hook against Anderson Silva.

  6. Its one of those moves you think are so cool looking in class but you know its never gunna happen in a real match. THEN IT HAPPENS! Its a real low percentage move but its awesome. Its really hard to defend against heel hooks that are thrown on that fast.

  7. i think its the best come back from behind submission i have ever seen, but i think the best submission probably belongs to Rumina Sato and his flying armbar

  8. it looks like he feel and his legs tied around Silvas, but to pull that off in a pressure situation is pretty remarkable. This is a good mixture of skill and luck in my opinion.

  9. It's the best sub I've ever seen.  Add the fact that it occurred near the end of the 3rd round

    I had to replay it 10 times, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

    My wrestling coach is on that card btw.  He tapped out Giant Silva with an arm triangle.

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