
Is this the car for me?

by Guest57833  |  earlier

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I found a 2007 Kia Spectra with 5,000 miles on it. It is at a Mazda dealer, and was bought at a closed sale for dealers. They say there is nothing wrong with the vehicle. They are asking $10,000 for it, however, I only have about $4000 to spend right now and my parents don't want me going $6000 in debt (I am only 18). KBB values this car at $13,000. Should I take the chance that this a great car and go into debt at 18 or should I wait until I have more money to spend on a car?




  1. No, wait.  Especially with raising gas prices.  Ask someone your close to lend you their car.

  2. I`m with the camp advocating waiting. If you`re hellbent on a vehicle right now, I would have someone help find me a good used vehicle. Stay with something basic, small no frills import or domestic, to suit your need, and your budget.

  3. I work in the automotive industry and would be very careful when buying ANY product made by KIA. I know this sounds bad, but a lot of banks don't lend money on them! The Spectra is known as a "disposable car" meaning that after 4 or 5 years, they aren't worth anything, and it is time for a new one. (I don't want to discourage you, only trying to help!)


  4. For that car, wait. No Kia is worth debt at the age of 18. You've got college coming up and you'll find plenty of ways to get around without a car. Keep the money and you'll be glad you did in the long run.

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