
Is this website legit?

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I have no clue what I am getting myself into. .

Can't tell truth from false these days with all these scams. .

is this for real?

"The H2O 1500 Aquygen™ Gas Generator produces Aquygen™ Gas on demand using only distilled water and standard electric current."

been looking around the site and wondering if its possible, and is legit and can work

ty <3




  1. It&#039;s hard to say with 100% certainty but I will offer a couple pointers.

    It looks like the people believe it works, it doesn&#039;t look like a complete scam. And it IS possible to extract hydrogen from water, given water is two parts hydrogen (H2) and one part Oxygen (O). That said most efforts in the past have met with little success as the energy required to seperate the hydrogen and oxygen is generally more than the energy value of the hydrogen itself (unless you split the atom, then you have an atomic bomb!).

    There have been rumors for years that people have developed such technology in the past and have been silenced by &quot;big oil&quot; keen to protect their industry. That said with the advent of cars like the Toyota Prius etc this is definately not as much a factor.

    On the negative side they claim to have been featured on CNN etc - but the last updates of info are from 2005 and 2006. Given the whole world is very much into the environment and alternative energy sources at the moment, if it was a &quot;genuine&quot; technology you would think it would be very much talked about NOW, not only a couple years go. This rings alarm bells.

    Overall I would say it would be wise to steer clear unless you have a high level of knowledge of this type of thing.

    Sorry I don&#039;t have a complete technical answer as to if it should work, but hopefully this is of some help.

    Best of Luck

    Matthew Cummins

    Global Advertising Products

    (See above for our range of Environmentally Friendly Promotional Products)

  2. I dont think it is at all.

    First of all there is NO way of telling exactly how many people have signed up to this. And I dont suppose theyve provided evidence of that either. I sugggest

    Search for more genuine ones on Google.
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