
Is this weird because im terrified?

by  |  earlier

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Okay im terriable afraid of storms i mean if there small its ok but when it gets sever i get so nervous and i mean i get soo scared i feel so stupid for it but idk how to calm myself from it especially at night time but i do have a cross space so i have a sorce of protection but its still scary!! im almost 14! what do you suggest i do to calm myself and do you think im stupid and a cry baby for it?




  1. I think the music idea, particularly with earphones, is a great one.

  2. the best thing to do is try and ignore it and it the storm will go away after a while try and dream about your dreams like becoming a singer etc.

    your not stupid and a a cry baby for it a load of people are scared of thunder and lighting and i don't blame them it a powerful thing from nature.

  3. not at all. when i was 14 i would actually sneak into my parents room and sleep there.  but i am 19 now and i just sort of grew out of it.  what i always did was put on headphones and music and keep my attention with somethin else, like drawing or something you enjoy.

  4. oh its normal.

    you need something to keep you

    distracted from it.

    Like I know its loud but read a book

    or listen to music.

  5. No harm unless you are out of doors. Ear plugs or a pillow over your head should help with sleeping.

  6. one of my dogs hates thunder

  7. This may be a stupid answer, but they always say, "face your fears".  What if you took a friend or a parent, got all dressed for the rain, and went out for a walk in the storm so you can see that the thunder and lightening won't hurt you.  Well, lightening can, but try to stay away from metal  It could be a phobia you developed from something you don't remember happening when you were younger.    

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