
Is this weird or normal?

by  |  earlier

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One of my older brothers died when he was year and a half old. He died before I was born. Since I was 17 I always think about him, miss him. About 3 years ago I got a dog tag with his name on it. I got it because I don’t want to forget him and some of my family members say this is crazy, weird blah, blah,blah because I never saw my brother. Do you think this is weird and I should take the dog tag off?

Thank you.




  1. don't listen to those people he was still your brother no matter what he will always be your brother and you have and right to grieve and remember him however you wish.

  2. How can you miss someone that you never knew?

    that's what some people would call an act to get pity

  3. It is strange, but I understand it. I have a brother, and always wanted a sister too, When I got married I had three children, because I thought 1 or 2 or 4  wasn't right somehow. Then when I was pregnant with my 3rd my Mum told me I had in fact had an older sister who like your brother died as an infant.

    If it makes you feel better, wear the tag.

  4. not at all this is strenghtening your spirital bond between you so now i bet you feel that little bit closer to him right. so keep it its a good thing  

  5. no not at all he's still apart of your family and you will always love him even though you never new him  

  6. You may never have met him but you still know about him. personally I think you shouldn't have to take the dog tag off because if it's a comfort to you then why change that.

    Just because you never met him doesn't stop you from wondering what life could have been like, it's only natural to think that way. It shows a sign of respect for him. You family might not understand it however if you feel it's something you should do why change it?

    I know this might sound stupid but to some people it might feel like they are a part of you and are looking over you. Do what feels right for you, and you shouldn't think too much about the fact they think it's weird/crazy, it's because they don't understand you.

  7. I don't think its too weird. Just because you never knew him or got to talk to him shouldn't matter. He was still your brother and I think its pretty normal to think about how things could have been. Think of it this way. If your dad died while your mom was pregnant with you should that mean that you shouldn't still love him. He helped make you. You never got to meet him or talk to him but he was still your dad. The same thing with you. Don't let anyone tell you its weird because its not.

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