
Is this world going crazy?

by  |  earlier

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Or are the people of this so called modern time in 2008, Just as primitive are the Indians were 10,000 years ago.... Why are the people of today's world worried about some calander that was created some thousands of years ago ending in 2012... Now all of a sudden these very same primitive people who ran around cutting out people hearts over a solar eclipse, Going to prove to me that a a lunar eclispe is a world ending event.... How can I believe that when someone was struck by lightening you should eat their body because the gods took them directly to heaven... How can I believe that when it does not rain I have to cut out the hearts of a couple of thousands so that the god will make it rain.. And when that does not work I have to cut out the hearts of two thousands more people... Why am I going to sit here and believe that when a solar eclipse happens my people are being punish and i have to kill several hundred people and hope that the ones we kill one of them is guilty... And now




  1. Perhaps some of us are primitive enough to not question anything or think for themselves.

    I think we're losing our ability to be critical thinkers, and with it our sanity.

  2. Wow that's all i hear  lately about how it's all going to end in a few ys more and you are so right that thinking like that is crazy and demeaning to us who don't believe in things that are suppose to happen hundreds or thousands of Y's later...

  3. oooh man you cracked me up!!! "When they sometime murdered hundred in one day to make it rain... In the rainy season...."!!!!!!!!!

    That was golden!!!!

  4. I like the way you think :  }

    there are only a few people in this world who actually think and challenge ideas these days.

    I completely agree!

  5. The mayan prophecy doesn't say that the world is going to end, for once and for all. It states that it will be the end of the world as we know it. According to the prophecy, we are entering the last stage meaning there will be a change in humanity for the better. Nothing bad will happen so relax.

  6. The world is not going crazy. Some humans have a superstitious nature side of them, and that will always be until the end of time. ..

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