
Is veal worth it or not?

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Is veal worth it or not?




  1. Veal is a lovely tasty meat and as long it is British veal it is Ok. Continental veal is slaughtered at a very young age whereas British veal is older.

  2. Yes veal is definitely worth the cost. If you are concerned about how the meat is farmed, try pink veal which is much less intensively reared and just as tasty.

  3. If we're honest about it, it's not much more than a novelty food - the sort you'd have in a posh restaurant yet hardly ever contemplate having at home. The only time I ever had veal was in Germany when it was an escalope of veal with fried potatoes - and that was in a restaurant too !

  4. No no no! Definitely not!!

    Nothing is worth it if it means taking the life out of a sentient being.

  5. Mmmm, I like veal. Its been a while since I've had it though.

  6. Its alright, if Veal Calfs ate Humans they would be more cruel to us than we are to them.

    I`m just sitting down to eat Veal steak, Foie Grois and battery farmed Hens Eggs.

  7. Nope. Don't eat a baby.

  8. the answer to that comes down to concience.

    personally the way that the animal  is treated to me is horrible,for instance milk veal means that the animal is fed very weak formula,so tha they have very low blood counts,this makes there meat pale,

    it also makes them unable to stand as they have no strengh,

    would you say that was humaine?

  9. how can you eat that? dont u know its babies?

  10. If you are looking for an alternative "red" meat (which veal hardly is) then give ostrich a try.

    I had it first in South Africa and is almost indistinguishable from the very best fillet steak.  Very low in fat and cholesterol.

    Aldi are selling frozen ostrich steaks at the moment, seasoned ready to barbeque or 6 minutes to fry.

  11. Yes veal is excellent meat and easier to digest than beef so if you have problems with other red meat its a great alternative. Its also the best accompanyment for pasta. Foreget those wimps who say how can you eat babies - we already eat baby fish , baby chickens, baby sheep, baby pigs and nobody bats an eyelid but because its pretty cows involved people go all stupid. If its British veal its been given the correct welfare and us not eating only means its sold to the French, Germans and Italians who are not so stupid as some Brits.  

  12. For what it is, it's really, really average. It doesn't taste that great anyway.

    I'm not a vegetarian, vegan or left-wing animal rights guy, but Veal is pretty cruel; an animal bred only to be tied down in the dark its whole life, and moments after its first step outdoors, its throat cut.

    However, It could be worse; it could be French Veal - slaughtered in the womb of its mother.

  13. I am a bit dimayed that folks cannot eat veal, a splendid meat when done properly, on the grounds that it is younger animal.

    What about eggs ?

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