
Is violence the answer?

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Is violence the answer?




  1. it will never be the answer..

  2. No Way....

    For anything violence is not the answer.

  3. violence is NEVER the answer...

  4. No.  Is violence the question?

  5. Violence is never the answer.  The only thing that will develop with violence is more violence ans then innocent people get hurt.  Hope I helped.  :)

  6. It depends on the question.

  7. Violence as a solution is grossly under-rated. It is often the only reasonable answer. One time I saw a "man" put out his cigarette on his childs arm, I dove over the table and beat the snot out of him. The fellow next to me would have killed him (he had a history of intense violence) . I saved his life by pounding him senseless.

  8. never.

  9. sure. but dont get in trouble. save it for a last resort.  only attack if you are attacked with the intent to kill.

  10. Violence is a last resort but always on the table.

  11. When Non-Violence becomes a question , violence is the best answer such minds could ever think about.

  12. When you protect yourself from bad person it is called self defence.

    When you want to get something from other than violence is definitely not the answer.

    But you must always remember that violence always fears of non-violence.

    Non-violence is the great weapon which shows your patience and courage.

  13. It's anger out of control, blinded by false ideas and poor choices.  Love flies out the window, gets buried somewhere, and the alter-ego takes over.  That's scary in itself.  There are no winners.  Only fear, resentment, and then if not dealt spreads like a disease into next generations.   It separates one from another where it becomes tough to relate love with one another.  Violence is not the answer.

  14. depeding on the situation

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