
Is virginity a virtue for women?

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Is virginity a virtue for women?




  1. Women determine their own virtues. When I still had my virginity, I considered it a liability.

  2. To me, no it really doesn't matter.

  3. One of the meanings of virtue is virginity so thats an oxy-moron... However is it important?  Not for me.  Not for anyone I know.

  4. That's what men  who want them to keep things new for their wedding night say. They want to s***w around all they want, but want fresh stuff on their wedding night.

  5. Not really, it's just a state of being. Either you've had s*x, or you haven't. I assume you don't value your mother less on the basis that she had to have s*x in order to give birth to you.

  6. I think virginity is an overrated virtue in today’s society and times!  Each woman should choose their own call. If you want to save it for somebody, then I respect you for that. And if you don’t, I also respect that because you’ve chosen to do something different.   Does a man save his virginity? No! So why are women expected to be chaste and pure and virginal.  If a man were to flaunt his conquests he’s a stud, and if a woman were to do that, she’s a s lut obviously. That’s derogatory for a woman.  Why shouldn’t a woman have the prerogative to go out and do what she wants to do and take her pleasure where she wants to take it, and have no moral judgment attached to that action?

  7. Only if they broke their hymen on a bike. Hymens hurt my 'swimsuit area.'

  8. There are varying degrees of virginity in this world.  Females of all stripes and religions often practice anal or oral s*x, in order that their hymens remains intact.  Is that virginity?

  9. well what country are we living in?

    Some countries still have virgin checks, if she s found not to be...she will never marry.....others "shrug" as along as she hasnt gotten pregnant or a STD she's good to go

  10. It used to be once but its not longer now. Whether the change is for the good or bad is upto you to decide.

    These days women look at losing their virginity as "experience" and the "inexperienced" ones are often mocked about in their friend circles in college and workplace.

    come to my blog once a while if you have free time.It's at

  11. Is the number of head of cattle a man owns a virtue for him nowadays?

    Let's fast-forward to the 21st century, shall we?

    Axn, it's a rhetorical question for you, since no one will ever want to sleep with you anyway.

  12. not applicable for all..or all aware of them!!

  13. Only if she wants it to be. Either way, I don't see how it's the business of anyone else.

    It certainly doesn't mean I'll treat a virgin with any more respect, morals, or values than a non-virgin, nor will I treat her with any less.

  14. Christ I hope not! Women need to learn to enjoy s*x and accept their bodies from an early age.  Our society is so super sexual because we keep telling our girls to "save it" or they will be whores.  Thats such a load of garbage.  When women learn their own sexual desires, powers, body esteem, and become comfortable with those things, then they are much better at making decisions about s*x and relationships when they are 18 and go out on their own.

    They  won't run out just to get banged and do stupid sexual stunts, internet p**n, and embarassing things at spring break like girls do who aren't comfortable and confident in their own sexuality often do.

  15. Not really. That's because a man who insists on a virgin doesn't know what he's getting. For all he knows, she could turn to be someone who is frigid and hates s*x.

  16. As a woman who is still a virgin, (I'm only 20) for me it is. However, for some women it is not. It is not my place to judge them on their decisions whether it is or it isn't because every woman is different.

  17. of course it is

    if a woman isn't a virgin then a man believes she is soiled (and rightly so).

  18. A Virtue, by definition, is something that makes your life go well.

    If saving your virginity is good for you, if it stops you from having s*x with someone before you're ready, then yes. It is a virtue for anyone. But if you are ready and want to have s*x with someone you love and are committed to then virginity is not a virtue any longer. Perhaps some people would define 'being ready' as 'being married' this is not my definition, but I think that this is where the church's advice on the "virtue in virginty" came from.

    Edit: just for clarification, I am talking about virtues from the perspective of virtue ethics/ethical naturalism.

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