
Is weed really bad or not?

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i have heard numerous argument from both sides of the weed debate but can't find a conclusive answer.

Every one who say's it's bad cant give me a scientific answer in regards to health and the people who say it's good just call everyone else stupid. answer please!




  1. It's more good than it is bad. I don't think smoking it is the best way to take it in, being that smoking isn't natural, it's a past-time that humans made up. But using it in cooking and other things can be can help you way more than it can hurt you.

  2. Its not

    It does not physically addict you. You wont get sick by stopping. Its a substance that allows you to relax and enjoy the moments while your high, everythings better, music, food, s*x. Just like everything else you should not overdo it or you will mess yourself up for a couple of hours, but thats hard to do this unless you really want to.

    Its not even a drug, its just a plant that grows out of the ground, that when it happens to catch on fire, well you know...

    Its not like cocaine where you mix it with amonia and baking soda and stir lol, its not like that.

    The 'addicts' that are out there have natural addictive personalities. They arent addicted to weed anymore than they are addicted to anything else.

    One more thing, it does not kill brain cells. That is a scientific fact.

    So if you want, enjoy recreational smoking. It wont give you cancer or anything, that takes years to develop and you have to do it for many hours each day. Smoking 2-3 times a week gives your body more than enough time to naturally clean your lungs out.

    Weed is just something put here on earth for our benefit.

    I personally enjoy marijauan to help me sleep, enjoy my time with friends, and it also came in handy when I dislocated my shoulder.

    Makes food taste AMAZING

  3. Alcohol can make you get in your car and kill yourself and others. Tobacco can make you addicted and give you cancer, and yet these two substances are legal. Weed makes you laugh and gives you the munchies. :)

  4. Using a vaporizer can really cut down on the danger to your lungs. Plus it gets me high faster.

    Shunning weed when you never tried it is stupid, but don't overdo it. Hanging out listening to people saying stupid **** can get old. And when it takes to long to wear off it's depressing. I know lots of people who smoke everyday and they just become tiresome. It's basically the opposite of intellectual stimulation. A little goes a long way.

    Some people complain about feeling groggy for a while afterward but compared to other drugs (especially true psychedelics), I haven't had any REAL side effects. Actually smoking before I go to bed can prevent hangovers.

  5. below is a good article on the popular weed myths  

  6. let me put it this health teacher told me that one joint is equal to one carton of cigarettes. talkin about tar build-up in ur lungs tho

  7. It really depends on your situation.

    I'm not going to sit here and tell you drugs are bad blah blah blah they will ruin your life blah blah; because I believe if you use them responsibly you'll be fine. Weed especially. I experimented with  hard drugs but because I saw dangers and possibilities for the negative, I am now strictly against them.

    With weed' it really depends on the extent and who you are. I smoked for about two years and thought it was fine until it started to give me problems. I wouldn't say I was hooked, but my boyfriend at the time was and it lead to serious trust issues between us. I also got expelled from High School in my last year for being caught with weed out of school hours or property; which was a huge huge drama for me. I was an A student, part of orchestra,choirs, year 8 Prefect; I was successful. I have been able to overcome my set backs but it has been a big emotional struggle. At the time; I was outraged at how people, especially my parents, didn't understand how innocent weed was. I realise now that more often than not I have cried or struggled at what it has done. Societies laws and expectations make it problematic; but that doesn't mean you should rebel and '**** society'.

    I honestly think that Skitzophrenia and all that stuff doesn't come unless you smoke every day in mass quantities for a long long time. The only real risk you take is the same you do with smoking; risks of lung cancer etc. In a way smoking weed is almost more justifiable as smoking cigarettes though because weed you get a nice feeling, and it has an effect; cigarettes don't do anything except look good!

    My boyfriend now has been smoking since he was about 14 and he's really been struggling. He's actually reached the point of complete apathy and laziness (which is common with weed) and after 6 years of smoking wants to stop because with HIS personality;it really isnt doing him any good. he has declared this in tears.Again, its quite an emotional process; there are now serious trust issues between us just because of the ****. Its going to be difficult but I know he can do it.

    So as you can see Weed has had quite an effect recently on my life. Im being drug tested for another year as a result of my expulsion; but I anticipate that after I may still do it occasionally but make a point of not letting it become part of my life. I remember the old days; wed dedicate some of our days just to pick up and it would get really late in the night and wed give up and feel really unsatisfied! Weed isn't that addictive; it was just the expectation of getting to smoke something.

    In my opinion i think weed affects peoples lives more than it does their health.

    As i said; it really depends how addictive your personality is, how able you are to let it affect your life; and  your tendancies to be considerate to societies expectations.

  8. weeds in gardens are bad. weed as drugs are bad......

  9. Its a very debated subject.

    Recent studies have proven that one joint ( weed ), is the equivalent of 7 cigarettes.

    Then you have those people who say '' weed is all natural Man, if it was as bad as cigarettes then why do many more people die from smoking ''.

    Reason for that is Cigarettes are much more available in every day life and its legal which means more people do it, whereas weed is the opposite.

    Me personally, i stay away from the stuff all together, the people who made this law aren't stupid, and i would rather trust my health with a professional rather than some druggy.

  10. i think for most people its ok in moderation, but some people smoke it once and it rewires their brain and they have to spend the rest of their life in an institution.  if you smoke it all the time it can give you some of the same cancers that tobacco smokers get, and lots of potheads get really lazy.

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