
Is what I did ILLEGAL?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I went into my ex's email account. Just to see if there was any indication WHY he broke up with me.

Is what I did illegal?? I just looked. Honestly. I didn't send anything.




  1. no i don't think so. it's an invasion of his privacy but as long as no one finds out i'm sure it's not a big deal.

  2. um no. you dont know how many girls actually do that. its very common.

  3. if it is, you wouldnt be punished.  

  4. No wonder he broke up  with you!

  5. No

  6. I do not think so, at one point he allowed you access and he has the responsibility to restrict you.   He should change his password, to block your access.

  7. Unfortunately yea it is but what he doesn't know won't hurt him...and if he knows hopefully he won't take things to the extreme and try to sue you or take it to the police

  8. No its legal if you knew the password and you didnt look it up or anything the its legal but that is rude,

  9. You just expained why he broke up with you. Problem is; he apparently didn't do it soon enough.

  10. well that may be considered a "stalker quality" but i am sure you knew that about yourself before asking.

  11. if the guy gave you the password, then i would think he gave you his consent when he ave you the password. that's like giving someone a key to your apartment and getting angry when they can still enter your home because they didn't ask for it back.

  12. It shouldn't be, its only illegal when you go through someone's real mail?

  13. No, it's definitely not illegal. It isn't like tampering with someone's physical mail (a federal offense) that sort of intellectual property isn't really regulated by law. However, your ex could file a civil law suit against you. Invasion of privacy is a tort, if not a crime.

  14. unless what he had on there was confidential by law

    like with a lawer, doctor, etc and you didnt do anything in his name its legal

    email are very open ended in the legal system

  15. Invasion Of Privacy yes lol, Illegal No. because U obviuosly new his password To look at it in the First place!

  16. no been there done that . And if they are cheating they usually get another email account we dont know about . men are slick . well they think they are .  

  17. You invaded his privacy. Certainly unethical, and perhaps illegal.

    Actually, this might explain a lot about why he broke up with you. You clearly can't be trusted.

  18. its possibly illegal.

    becus you did hack on to his information.

    idk just dont tell anyone!

  19. You know that password then no...  

  20. No you're fine

  21. Well ive always heard scaming on your ex through emails is certinally illeagle i would try an hide under your bed an maybe buy some bolt locks because it is one of the most offensive assults in america today  

  22. INVASION OF PRIVACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. if he had given you his password, its alright. but if you hacked it, you were wrong by doing that.

  24. I don't think it's ILLEGAL. I think it's just BAD.

  25. not illegal but a violation of privacy

  26. sorry but im preety sure thats Illegal cuz  its not legal to look into other persons personal info hope i helped :)

  27. No, it's not illegal to log on to someone else's email accounts.  Privacy laws do not state anything about snooping.  If you're clever enough to get the password, then by all means snoop!

  28. i dont think it's like, illegal, but u just shouldn't do that cause it's kinda rude.and u shouldnt know his password.

    no offense or anything, though

  29. ummmm someone told me that going into other peoples email is ilegall so thats probably it

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