
Islamic Israel?

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Everyones truthful opinion please? Inspired by an answer I saw. If Jews were Muslim (or all became Muslim) would there still be conflict over Israel? If Israel were a Muslim country under Shariah law? Isn't this conflict based on religion and ethnicity more than it is on land? Please be nice if possible. Thank you and have a wonderful day.




  1. If the "Palestinians" converted to Judaism, the conflict would end overnight.

    If the Israelis converted to Islam, there would still be a conflict, there is no such thing as unity amongst Muslims

  2. i WON'T happen

  3. First of all we are not converting to Islam.  We didn't go 4,000 years just to give up in the end.  Now that I have that cleared up, I can answer your question.

    Yes, there would still be fights over Israel.  Muslims have Shia, Sunni, and then others.  Even between Shia there is split to another sect. And then there is another sect here, and there, and there. I only know of one group that is "questionably" friendly/non-violent. Do you see what I mean?  

    Have you ever seen one extremist say to another extremist, no thank you I'll pass on cutting off your head? There are too many groups and too many extremists within these groups. They can't even elect a peaceful government after they did that they stripped one naked and threw him from a tall building and there were bloody bodies everywhere!  PLO tried to assassinate King Hussein and used a Jordanian soldier's head as soccer practice! Really this list can be endless of what they have done to each other of which has nothing to do with Israel.

    To put it simply, Israel is currently at "first place."  If first place was disbursed amongst the larger group then they will all just fight about it amongst themselves in a larger territory.  They are already fighting violently among other matters.

    Israel knows what to do.  Israel has been defending against terrorism this whole time. The best thing would be to listen to Israel when it comes to solve these issues and not interfere.  

    My question back at you then would be the momentum that radical extremists received from "Israel being Muslim" could the rest of the world handle sharia law?  Because that would be what would happen in fact the radical extremists are actually planning it and putting forth effort in that regard.

  4. It is more political than anything else. Israel is using religion as a weapon in the political struggle.

    A loser shall be a loser whatever he does.

    They have been losers all over their history.

    Even their so called G-d started punishing them from day one. He is testing their belief and strength no doubt about it.



    you need to read the Torah to understand what I mean. No offense.

  5. Some people got it totally wrong!

    This is not about religion at all, if it was, Palestinians wouldn't let Jews in, in the first place.

    They welcomed them with open arms.

    The main issue/problem 'for most'  is, ''Zion's greed'' followed by their lies and deception that started this mess!

    Yes, Palestinians welcomed them to their land but their greed was/is ENDLESS!

    Forgive me for the reference, but imaging losing your own house, family force and by the same people who were let into your land and above all, knowing that their greed is limitless thus steal more and more and........!!?

    If Zions were satisfied with what UN gave them,...............

    So, it's their greed!

  6. Well, actually pose an interesting question.  Unfortunately, as usual in this forum, no one is actually willing to answer the question because that would require them doing research.  As some of us know, educating yourself is hard and it is easier to make things up and spew hate.  One of them being that Jews can not convert to Islam.  That is the most asinine thing I have ever  Of course they can.  There are several reference materials on this.  There is a website called that has information on this.  The Muslims share many things in common with the and anyone who is actually Muslim would know this.  

    I will address your question first.  Would there be conflict over Israel if all the Jews would convert to Islam and live under Shari'ah law?  Short answer...No.  Reason, the idea of Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people.  If there are no Jewish people, then there is no cause to have a homeland.  It would be like fighting for a reservation in America for the Native American tribe of the Cheyenne.  They are gone, so what's the point.  

    Second question, "Isn't this conflict based on religion and ethinicity...?  No...again short answer.  Your first theory, religion, is flawed.  The people of Islam and the people of Israel have been fighting for a long time, certainly since before Israel declared its independence.  It is also true that it is easy to come to the conclusion the it would be religion oriented based on the 2 facts that, A) Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people and B) all the countries that have gone to war with them since they declared independence have been Muslim countries.  

    The only problem with this is, first off, Israel has a high Muslim population that.  Second, around there world, there are many Muslims that are either indifferent to the existence of Israel, or flat out support it.  One of these, and there are many that I would suggest you take a look at if you are interested, called   Third, if it were about religion, why is it that only the surrounding countries attack?  All of North Africa (except egypt) Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, the "stan" countries....none of these places have declared war on Israel.  The only iffy one from that list is Iran...but they have never declared war, they have taken covert approaches.  There is Religion involved, but it is not the deciding factor.

    Ethnicity is also not a deciding factor.  There are 4 ethnic groups in that part of the world, Arab, Jew, Turk and Persian (Source, Dr. Robert Hazan, Chair and Professor, Metropolitan State College of Denver).  There is obviously European ethnicities involved there now as well....but we are talking about indigenous (and there has been European presence there for a couple millenniums before 1948.

    Ethnicity and Religion play their part for the combatants, but the conflict remains one of politics.  The main issues of this conflict lay in Israel Security, The Right of the Return, Jerusalem, and the Settlements.  (source Dr. Amin Kazak, Professor, University of Colorado Denver and University of Denver).  

    As in all of my answers, I would invite you to email me with any questions if I did not answer them.  I do not claim to know everything going on over there, I don't get to go as often as I would like.  I do, however, have wonderful resources and I will share them at your request.  I would leave you with some titles that you can pick up from your local bookstore if you are interested in learning more.  Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict by Norman Finkelstein is a great one.  Voices of Israel by Joseph Cohen is also highly recommended.  You can also go to google and type "Israeli Palestinian conflict" and the first 3 or 4 results on there are pretty decent (though the first result is Wikipedia and that is not a valid information source; however, they have a source guide at the bottom that makes it an alright starting place).

    Hope this helped a little.  

    Good luck in your pursuit of this knowledge


    edit - to the poster above are correct about the converting thing.  However, he asked if there would be fighting over Israel, not fighting in Israel.  The Muslim community is currently leading the way for people who fight the most.  There is many in fighting with them, much like with the Christians many years ago.  However, the Israeli conflict would not exist---Shalom.

  7. Look what they are doing to Lebanon,and England and France Germany Holland Italy, why even ask.

  8. A Jew is the only one who can not convert to islam because they are hated so strongly by the muslims. It has NOTHING to do with land, it's all about sibling rivalry between the families of Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac was the seed of promise and the arab people can't stand that.

  9. israel goes back to the time that judiasm became a religion, so i do not think it would be called israel anymore to begin with. it would probably be called palestine again.

    the entire conflict is over land for the jews, so there would be no conflict.

    it is all about the jews having a state and making it large. it always has and it still is that way

  10. Islam dose not call to force Jews or Christian to convert to Islam.

    The world calling on Israel to end it is colonialism in Palestine.

    Israel is the last colonial rule in our world.
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