
Isn't it hard being Aethiest?

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Not trying to offend anyone here just tyring to find deeper insight.

Don't you guys feel resentment towards your existence?

Cause well, first off you don't believe in an afterlife in Paradise. So either you believe in an after nothingness (like before you were born) or you can fear what these Christians, Muslims and Jews are saying (that you're going to h**l). Either way, whats the point to existing to you? You wake up everyday early only to work and work some more then you grow old and die and you have nothing to show for it and life goes on without you. Whats the point?

You have no one to turn to when things happen that are out of your hands. If a tragedy were to happen in your lives you would feel lost with no one to turn to apart from your loved ones, but still, they cannot offer you any assurance. (example: "He's/She's in a better place.")

How do aethiests feel about life?




  1. It's atheist not aethiest. Where'd you get aethiest from? It wasn't a spelling mistake since you said it more than once.

  2. Not really.  I found it rather liberating.

  3. I don't think I've ever met an "Aethiest". If I ever do, I'll ask him these questions for you.

  4. Sticking with reality instead of turning to some imaginary being works fine for me.

    "Christians believe that the most wonderful thing that can happen to them is to go to Heaven, but few of them are in a hurry to make the trip."

  5. That's a new spelling I haven't seen before.

    The point of existing is that I'm alive. That's quite magical enough if you think about it.

    I turn to my wife and family when necessary. Beyond that I accept life for what it is, a random set of events that I try to make the best of. I can choose to let life lead me or I can choose to lead. I try to do a bit of both.

  6. The main thing I am missing because I'm an atheist is that I lack the ability to transport myself to Mars.  This makes me very depressed.  Without this ability, life is kind of pointless.  The one good thing is that one day I will die and my depression will be replaced with wonderful nothingness.

  7. It's Atheist. Not mocking.

    I'd rather have lesser strain on the brain and move on with Life.

    Worrying for which future would be best, having fear that my future was already pre-destined was not my style.

    I rather not worry, I care, but not worry.

  8. The point of existence is now. Learn how to enjoy that and you'll understand the joy of freedoms of outside manmade gods.

  9. You may find it unpleasant, but it is what it is.  It isn't about feeling good, it's about acknowledging the facts of life.

  10. Well I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends, the self confidence I was missing all throughout high school, a job I really enjoy, an adorable pet cat, self knowledge i lacked while I was religious, happiness, love, strength, and many many other things. I have a wonderful life.  

  11. What's the point?  I just enjoy my life.  I can't help the fact that there are no magical beings, or a magical paradise that I'm going to go to after I die, but that's no reason to think that life isn't worth living.  I'm having a pretty good time with the time I've got.

  12. I like not being scared all the time.  

    I don't know what you mean by "turning to" someone...I don't know what you think happens.   Do all your prayers get answered?  Or do things happen in your favor about as often is if you never did?

    I can't offer the false hope that a loved one is in a better place, but I also can't promise anyone Santa Claus will bail them out of their financial problems.  

  13. i love my life. if it was so hard to be an atheist there wouldnt be any

  14. No, why would I feel resentment? There is no one to be resentful towards. I don't need a imaginary figure in the sky to make me happy. Clearly you lot (theists) are too simple minded to appreciate the true beauty of all things without some jack *** putting it there!

    Life is good, people die, bad things happen... so what? How weak and pathetic are you to *need* an imaginary figure for it to be ok. Whats the point in believing what is clearly a lie? (i.e. Theistic religion)

  15. Why, I enjoy my life. I have a big group of friends and family to turn to, and they offer me plenty of support and comfort. I don't need the false hope of a magic afterlife where everything is forever better to enjoy and give meaning to this life.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, sparky.

    Isn't it hard never feeling good enough for your perfect sky daddy yet feeling better than all the "unsaved"? No wonder you have such a skewed world view.

  16. I don't know what an aethiest likes/dislikes.

    However, I'm going to assume that you mean "atheist" and answer the question accordingly.

    Is it hard to be an atheist?

    Yeah. It's hard. It's hard to stand up and go against the flow. It's hard to walk alone, I guess. But, to me, it would been even harder to be a theist. I simply couldn't keep up with the doublethink.

    However, your question addresses something else--so I'm going to get back on topic.

    What you're dealing with is a strawman--a fake character either given to you by your religious leaders (I know you'll protest that...but it's something I know the churches do, and I'm pretty sure most other religions do the same.)

    You say that I wake up every morning to work (well, actually school, but that's beside the point.), toil my entire life, and die. From an outside perspective, that does seem to make sense.

    Yet you are forgetting people like Lincoln, like Edison, like Darwin, people who changed the entire world. It's because everything we do, we leave our fingerprints over it. We did something, changed something. It may matter in the future, or it may not. But that doesn't matter. Life doesn't just go on, as we have caused a ripple in the only homeworld we have.

    And about having someone to turn to when the world's spinning out of control, I have my family. My friends. The atheosphere when I want to be reassured. But, most of all, I have myself. Very rarely is the world actually completely out of control. Usually there is something you can do, a little effort you can make.

    And about tragedies. Yeah, we grieve, too. But I look for the fingerprints they have left behind, and I know that, yeah, I'm going to die someday, and I can either make something with my life, or trash it.

  17. Maby being aethiest is all about being selfish because you love yourself to much to give your creator any credit,or you were hurt soo bad your are angery at God and cant get passed it .Need a little love.

  18. the fool says in his heart there is no God. It's rediculous and stupid to be an atheist. and whether they like it or not, there is a life after death.

    atheists, the end is near. prepare yourselves. Christianity and theism is not a joke. you need to realize this before it's too late...

  19. So religion should only be used when things go bad?

    The meaning of life is that there is no meaning, we have to give it one. Why does there have to be something after death? Isn't one life enough?

    The point of existence is to exist.

  20. Atheist here, I can see your only learning from one book. I live my life with no regrets.  

  21. Being a believer is much harder !

    Or at least, not so cool.

  22. No, i'm happy to be alive, to experience people and the wonders of this world.

    Everyday is a fullfillment, and since this is the only life I have I cherish it and do things that I enjoy. I will have things to show for my existence. I have a wonderful son, wonderful family, goals that I have achieved and I am achieving.

    Just because you may think our lives are bland, does not equate divinity.

  23. No, it's harder being an atheist

    You know even with all proselytizing rhetoric disguised as sympathy and understanding, I still don't give a c**p

  24. Learn how to spell Atheist then I will answer your question.

  25. I think it must be hard for them pretending how to be a idiot 24/7, have you see these answers there disrespectful, towards you and to myself there idiots, who pretend God is not real because, there scare to go to h**l, so to them if there no God there is  no h**l,  all  we could do is feel sorry towards these Children of the Devil, since we know he has there souls

  26. Think of it this way, if atheists are right, they can really appreciate life cos they can see what it is, if you run around thinking life isn't important cos you're gonna spend eternity in heaven or whatever then you can't really appreciate this life like an atheist.

  27. Firstly, atheist means no belief in God, it doesn't mean none of us believe in an afterlife. Secondly, for those of us that do believe this life is it, don't you think that that is what makes life all the more precious. We aren't interested in Gold Medals and prizes to show off, we are interested in living life to its fullness and helping those around us do the same, we strive for a world of justice equality and love, without the incentive of a reward

  28. I'm an atheist,and i dont believe in the afterlife.We have one life and we should try and make the best of it,i really hope the christians are right,but there is no way that a being like god,can exist,so i just live my life the best i can and die peacefully without worrying if I'm gonna go to heaven or h**l.

  29. I enjoy my work, and when I'm not working, I have fun with my friends and my family.  I read.  I see movies.  I see plays.  I run.  I think.  I have a great glass of wine.  I have s*x.  I love.  I laugh.  I enjoy all these things...

    And, I have my friends and family to turn to.  They at least can actually hold me.  Talk to me.  Comfort me.  

    I love life.  

    And, please, it's atheist.  It's not that hard to spell.

    P.S. You misspelled it two different ways.  You transposed the "e" and "i" too...

  30. goes on then you die that's the point.

    If you have a tougher life than others that's the card you drew and no one can change that except yourself.  

  31. Aethiest? Oh, I pity you.

    I before E, except after ath.

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