
Isn't this horrible??

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I just heard someone say in warning to a p*****n in the adolescent section that "infants are the worst STD you could ever contract"

Isn't that awful??




  1. too bad it's true.

  2. welll think about it its refering to young kids having babies not parants its saying they dont want teens having babies

  3. How many kids does this person have?!?!

    That's terrible.

    But its kinda true in a way...

  4. lol... it is a bit harsh!!!!

  5. Yes. Thats terrible! :(

  6. well...shock treatments do work!

    we need to do something about the amount of teen and unwanted pregnancies.

    children are a blessing, and it was wrongly put, but the message conveyed is significant


  7. I am so getting thumbs-down for this, but I think it's funny.  Do you really think a p*****n needs an infant?  That's a lifelong commitment and some of those kids can't even commit to a pair of jeans.

  8. Yes, it is...  

  9. Well, that was rather rude.

    I see what the answerer meant though; they were basically saying that getting pregnant is worse than any STD for preteens.

  10. d**n that adds 4 std's to my list

  11. To a p*****n? I think it's true. Extremely dangerous, and will destroy their whole childhood.

    In general, no it's not true.

  12. Yes really horrible analagy!

  13. That's horrible!! Children are not a disease!  You could call them a hard lesson learned, but certainly not a disease!

  14. Honestly.... I kind of have to agree with who ever said it.  Okk.  I know it was very rude and very untrue in the literal sense.  However when we are talking to illogical teenagers who think s*x is fun and enjoyable (not saying it isn't :))  I believe we need to make a very serious impact on these young about the consequenses of having children.  An STD can and usually does destroy a young person even if it is treatable.  A child would do the same.  I see thier point, however I think they could have used a little better terminology.


  15. =)) to me it seems funny.

  16. Young mothers are a plague to society.

    Ironically, they are caused by society itself.

    Rules need to be put in place regarding pregnancy, or humans will destroy the Earth.

  17. Haha... Yeah it is awful.

    I know.

    I said it.

    But ten bucks said the kid is a troll anyway and isn't even really considering having s*x.  They're just bored and feel like posting dramatic questions to make them seem older than they actually are.

    Hate me for it if you want.

    You guys are taking this way too seriously.

    Doesn't mean I have anything against infants, I'm just saying.  For a teenager, that probably is the worst thing that could happen.  It's not like a bunch of preteens are running around with herpes or anything.  I mean, I'm sure a few of them have it, but honestly the worst thing you could "catch" from p*****n s*x is a kid.  

    And no.

    I don't have any kids.

  18. Haha!

    that's so funny!

  19. Aw thats sad

  20. When you are ready fora child yes its awful.

    But if it was in the adolescent section it was most likely referring to teenage pregnancy.

    in which case an infant is the worst std you could come out with.

    Because a baby is going to ruin a teens life

  21. Yes, it is awful and untrue; a ridiculous response indeed.  

  22. It may be harsh but technically true haha.. although I think AIDS may be worse than an unwanted pregnancy...
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