
Isnt it sad about Midnight Sun?

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I am soo sad she is putting it on hold (if u didnt know go to her home page).

shes written a very interesting note.

i cant believe some1 she trusted went out and posted the 12 chapters

it kinda makes me feel worse because i have read them but i cant change that all i can do now is feel bad and tell every1 who asks for it no.

i dont think she should stop writing it though, she should show us how strong she is and that theres no point in reading the 12 chapters when the hole book is better




  1. OMG OMG!! It's being delayed?! Oh no...but for someone to betray her trust like that is wrong. Maybe she shouldn't have given the copy to anybody. Wow life can suck sometimes!! x

  2. I can't believe she was stupid enough to give out unedited manuscripts to anyone except her editor.

    I'm honestly confused about something, though. How is doing your job being "strong?" Authors and artists have things leaked all the time. Meyer's the only person I've ever known to throw a tantrum about it. Everyone else accepts it with dignity - most even recognize that they're probably mostly to blame. But her? Oh no. She was not at fault at all. >.>;

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