
Isnt it weird how...?

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isnt it wierd how when your younger you want to be older but when your older you want to be younger..





  1. Nope


  2. Yes it is very true lol.  

  3. yup

  4. I never wanted to grow up.  I wanna stay a Toys "R" Us kid.

  5. my dad always told me that age is like a hill. It feels like such a long time to get up the hill to 21 years and after that it flies down and now he's in his 70's. I have found how true this is

  6. yes its true.

  7. I dont want to grow up :)

  8. Yeah haha, Very weird  

  9. yea it weird that we always want what we don't have lol

  10. I think it's 'cause when you're younger, you're working towards your life as an adult, like going to school and all that to get grades for a career and finding a partner and whatever. Then when you're older, you usually have all that so there's nothing to work towards. And if you haven't got any of that, you wanna be younger to try and have the opportunity to get it again...

  11. i never wanted to be older - i loved being a kid! still am, at heart. :)

  12. im 16 (17 next month) and im perfectly happy as old as i am now.

    if i was a little bit younger id still be in school, if i was a bit older id have started my college course, and if i was even older id be at work.

    at this moment im completely free!

    not a care in the world

  13. lol yep i remembering sayng that when i was 7, im 16 now and i wish i could go back to the good times

  14. yeah! i know exactly what ya mean! tho im still young! but i cant wait to be old enough to do some stuff like drive!! lol


  15. yeah weird

  16. Well when i was younger i wanted to be older, but i am still quite young so i dont want to be younger yet lol.

  17. Not really, I'm totally happy with my life now. The time of childhood was great and sometimes I really miss it, but there are also things I'm looking forward to.

  18. yup think everyone is sorta that way. i couldn't wait to get 21 =P

    now i want to be 16 again lol

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