
Issues With My Sister.?

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I would love to be closer to my sister.

I am 14 and she is 10.

I Matured a lot faster then normal teenagers.

She is just getting into the evil years.

She takes advantage of my mom and makes like h**l.

She has been so picky about her weight too.

She will not eat ANYTHING!

We threaten her by saying "We are taking you to a Doctor"

Then she starts eating again.

I know this is about puberty, but I nor my friends EVER put our mom's through this.

They say she is the worst of us all. (and my mom thought my friends were evil)

I need some help. Nothing works. I am always nice to her and she looks at me like I backhanded her! I don't talk to her and she tells everyone that I am ignoring her.

I am so confuzed.




  1. Start punching on her and put her in her place. You the big sister act like it. Just body beat her make sure you hit her one good hard time. Then tell her "if you don't cut the b.s. We gone be fighting." If she act tough put her in her place. Untill she relised "d**n my big sister sure be whipping my *** I better stop acting dumb."

  2. ignore her for real then maybe she'll realize that its her causing problem not the people around her, even though this is harsh it might work. my sister is 15 and acts like the world is out to get her or that were always making fun of her. one day my mom asked her to do the dishes and she flipped out saying that she is always doing all the chores witch isnt true because she hardly comes out of her room. she always threatens that she isnt going to college and that shes going to california, my parents tell her the door is always open but then she goes okay give me money and ill leave its so weird!!! if you sister stops eating tell her that when you stop eating your body goes into starvation mode and anything that you do eat turns straight into fat =[  

  3. this is complicating, i kinda understand what ur deeling with, but i have a little brother and hes like a devil! im 14 and hes 11. hes just mean he doesnt have a eating problem but he never got along with me no matter what i did. and hes really bad for my mom

    your mom has to deL WITH THE  eating thing, if she has both of yal  on her back then it wont help nothing, but if u get close to her then maybe itll help her. try talkin to her, like a serious conversation

  4. Let your mom deal with the eating thing.  The two of you ganging up on her doesn't help, it probably makes her more defensive.

    Sounds like you don't have much in common, but that may change over the next couple of years.  Let her do her own thing.

  5. Well just so you know you have just described me and my sister. I am 19 and she is 15 and we have all of same problems with her not eating and calling her self fat, taking advantage of my mom. I matured a lot faster than most to and by the time i was your age I was doing most things for myself.

    When is comes to the eating problems. keep on her. My parents left it alone thinking that was best and my sister got an ulcer from not eating and then taking aspirin. The doctors put her on a really strict diet and they told her that if she did not start gaining weight that she would become really sick.

    As far as dealing with your parents and getting them to see what is going on. Don't push them to hard. They will see in their own time. You should keep hinting to them that something is wrong but never push the issue.

    If you want to start gaining a relationship with your sister. Than the fist thing you should do is sit her down and tell her what  you are concerned about in a none accusing way. then tell her you are here for her when ever she needs you. Make her understand that you are only tiring to look out for her and that you love her very much. Just remember that this is not going to happen over night. Keep tiring and never give up on her because eventually she will come around and she will need you.

    If you ever want to talk you can email or IM me. I am always willing to help. hope things work out.

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