
Issues with my mother

by Guest58950  |  earlier

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I was in the hospital last weekend due to a cyst rupturing on my ovary and I called my mom to tell her I was in the hospital... Since we're an ocean lengths away she said that she'd stay off the phone until I called to tell her what the doctor had said. At this point I had no idea what was going on but the doctos kept mentioning surgery.

So about an hour later I try to call her... It goes right to voice mail so I try again... I wait 5 minutes... Finally I figure something wrong with her phone so I call my brother who lives next door to her to ask if her phone isn't work so he says he'll go ask her.

About 20 minutes later she calls and says "Oh I'm sorry .... (her boyfriend) was on the internet".

Needless to say I was upset but she doesn't get this. I told her her that it pissed me off what if it had been an emergency? Is her boyfriend really that important? But then she goes all defensive saying he makes her happy blah blah blah

Is there any way to make her get that this was just plain wrong?




  1. forgive her. shes wrong to put boyfriend first, but shes the only mom youve got and shes probably not going to change

  2. You are being very selfish. It was just a cyst, many women get it all the time. It is not the end of the world, and I have never heard of someone dying from a ruptured cyst.The bottom line is that you are trying to control your mom. Her boyfriend was on the internet, what is she supposed to do , not move until you call her. I think you should relax and learn to appreciate your mom, you only have 1. Stop taking offense to everything and you will have a good relationship with your mom, be patient.

  3. It is wrong, what the h**l is the matter with her? My mom acts like that with her boyfriend, nothing else is important except for him, and it's incredibly selfish. You have a right to be angry. Don't talk to her, DEMAND to talk to her. You need to let her know that what she did wasn't right. Tell her to stop acting like a girl who's still in high school.

  4. I'm sorry, sweetie, but as long as she doesn't see the problem with putting her boyfriend and her happiness ahead of you, there's nothing you can say or do to change it.  Some people, regardless of their "title" or blood relation are just plain selfish and blind to the needs of others.  In 1990 I received orders for deployment to

    Saudi Arabia for Desert Shield/Storm and when I called my parents (in another State) to tell them, my mother told me "I can't be bothered with you going off to play soldier.  I have a real crisis on my hands, your sister turned 40 and became a grandmother in the same month and it's killing her."  Wow, Mom, what a way to send your daughter off to war!  I hope you are doing better and am glad that it wasn't life threatening.
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