
It has come to my attention...?

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...that nearly everyone these days strings together a series of metaphoric phrases and calls it a poem. even though it may have no rhythm or scheme. they simply call it "free verse" and throw away the ideas that are, perhaps, terrible poets.

what do those of you who truly care about proper writing think of this?




  1. Actually, it does bother me a little when people string words together and call it a poem. I believe that a poem must contain some form of poetic device.   However,  I've come to respect the many different forms of poetry and that includes the free verse poem.  I may not consider every free verse poem I read poetry, but  I'm not going to be rude or hurtful just because someone may not have a good grasp of poetic devices. This is something that they will learn in time as long as they are encouraged to continue and not demeaned for the lack of skill or knowledge.   I, like most of the "martian crowd", believe it is better to be helpful than hurtful; therefore,  I help if I can and move on if I can't.

    There are many good poets on this site who write many different ways. Sometimes they write seriously and sometimes they goof around.   You just have to be willing to find them and learn to appreciate the various forms and styles of each individual writer.  It's also helpful to know when they are being serious and when they are not.  I'm not saying you have to like or appreciate everyone, just keep in mind that there is an audience for just about any poem whether you like it or you don't.

  2. I think it's deplorable and I agree with you totally.  The "experts" here have nothing to offer those who seek traditional aesthetic values other than scorn.  You might also want to keep in mind, if you post a poem, that you should make it mediocre because then it will be proclaimed great.  Intriguingly, if you post a much better one, you will be ignored.  The key is to be average, disgustingly average, time after time after time...

  3. I doubt if I could say it any better than Neonman here has.

    But I will add that I'll take finely written free verse over most of the trite that passes itself off as traditional poetry these days. Just because someone with a limited imagination and vocabulary can manage to rhyme moon with June and love with above hardly means it is better written than free verse where the writer paints emotional landscapes with the aid of a highly skilled imagination and an expanded vocabulary.

    And if you really understand poetry enough you'll see, if you pay attention to modern poetry without a prejudiced viewpoint, than many modern poets are keenly aware of and use poetic structure and meter.

    When I write non-rhyming verse I always still follow the formats of structure and meter.

    Open your mind to all aspects of what is out there. And remember, just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's good and just because it doesn't rhyme doesn't mean it's bad.

    Here is an example of a modern poem. There is no rhyming words. But the structure and meter is perfect. Are you suggesting that because this stanza doesn't have any rhyming words that it has no merit as poetry?

    Must we follow

    those who conceived the earliest prototypes,

    commissioned the plans, dictated the dogmas

    that stifled the light? Or can’t we embrace flaws

    in the perfectly imperfect so we might

    tear down the walls?

  4. Please tell me,

    is this not considered poetry then.

    Valid question you have asked, so please take a look at Lord Byron's Darkness. It is the only argument I have.

  5. Alex, you're spot on. Most (but not all) of the 'Martian' crowd wouldn't know a poem if it bit them on the bum. Some of them are nice people, but being nice doesn't make one a poet. Unless you're prepared to be sycophantic and tell everyone what geniuses they are for writing out their shopping list (in fact, some shopping lists DO have more artistic merit than what they write), you're looked down on as something to be pitied or scorned. I've received abusive emails from some of them for the mildest criticism of their 'poetry'. Look at the condescending tone of some of your replies for merely articulating a valid enquiry.

    However, they do serve a valuable function. They are a good example of how poetry SHOULDN'T be written.

  6. Certainly poetry in this arena is often found lacking, however many people are experimenting with form and meter and use this place to get feedback. Many want to be poets. We must let them grow in their own time in their own way. Hopefully a few will survive and go on to greater things. Even roses have thorns, so tread lightly on our youth and let them flower in their own time.

  7. Hmmm actually I realized that just yesterday when going thru some poetry written by people from my high school's poetry club.

    I agree that it is a little odd to take something without beat or much of any order and slap on the name of "poetry", but I have found that the way sentences are broken off in no order is purposeful as it is supposed to keep the words flowing and each line break is meant to give a slight pause when reading so as to add a very slight, subtle rhythm.

    Do not fret so much over free verse. Just enjoy it for what it is, an "attempt" at poetry, and perhaps write some free verse that you feel is done the right way.

  8. Are you serious?? There are poets here who work for days and even weeks to perfect traditional poetic forms and they work even more diligently at creating forms of their own.

    Venture on, my friend, venture ON!

  9. And if your meter varies

    words flow or do they?

    So soft the day the way

    of meter sung in tune.

    Read on, read on, more

    waits your eyes, just as

    this assortment covered

    how many meter forms?

    And if you visit an art museum do you only venture to one venue?  And if you frequent a restaurant do you only try one item?  Would you be judge and executioner based on your standards alone?  Enjoy all the forms, praise the ones that you like, be kind to others and offer encouragement.  Your question looks for confrontation, but to me more it says you have not spent the time to read many of the published poets that honor this site.  You may not like their offerings which is your right, but apparently somebody did as they have an audience.  And of your audience?

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