
It is worth it?

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My aunt has a Bed and Breakfast hotel, she's wondering if it's worth offering the vegetarians 'Linda MaCartney' sausages and Morning Star 'bacon' rashers (TVP) as part of the breakfasts, although this would push up the costs. They are already offered three types of eggs, or mushrooms, beans fresh grilled tomatoes or cheese on toast as well as the usual cereals, juice, freshly baked rolls and marmalade honey or jam.




  1. Have a trial period to see how popular they are. If things don't ad up and it proves to be too costly, then drop them from the menu.

  2. It depends on how much demand she gets for v/v meals. They keep well in the freezer and aren't really much more expensive, when you consider you would not make the sale if you don't have them in stock.

  3. Offer them the sausages.

  4. the sausage and bacon can be frozen so there won`t be any waste, it`s quick to defrost a few sausage and rashers of bacon or ask the people what breakfast they want when they check  in  and go from there, they aren`t that expensive to buy.

  5. I'm vegan and occasionally have to stay in B&Bs; if I ever found just one where I had more options than tomatoes, limited cereals and/or toast with just Marmite or marmalade for breakfast (having brought my own soya milk for my tea and cereal) they could be sure of my business again, and my recommendation. I usually eat a light breakfast at home, but like a 'treat' if staying in a hotel or B&B.

    Personally I dislike LM sausages , but there are many other veg*n brands. And there are fake bacons suitable for vegans as well as vegetarians.

    The products would be frozen, she could buy in a limited amount and give it a trial run. Even if she didn't decide to continue, she'd have a few items to offer the occasional veg*n guest while stocks lasted.

    Shame you asked this at the weekend; Michael H, one of V&V's top contributors, is vegetarian and runs a B&B, so might have been able to offer useful advice - I've noticed that he doesn't usually post here at weekends though.

    Nice that your aunt's considering this; I think she should try it for a limited period and I hope it works out

  6. Maybe?

    It's not bad to try...

    But you'll have to take the risk if customer likes or does not like such offering vegetarians' breakfast.

    Cost is one major problem...

    Just try it for a month, and if it sells; then well, it's good.

    If not, no choice, cancel it.

  7. This may sound harsh, but you are in business to make money. Supply and demand is the main factor to take into account. You must go with the majority, unless you do, the risk is going to be higher, and therefore your chances of bankruptcy increase.

    Your idea of healthier eating is great and i now eat far more healthier than i did.

    But as i said, business is business! Just give the punters what they want, do not force them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Linda MaCartney sausages are VILE.

  9. Hi Mercia

    Yeah great idea. Run with it. I guess she could trial it for a fortnight to see if it proves to be popular.

    Almost makes me wanna turn vego.

    Cheers Jellz

  10. I think it depends? Im a vegatarian and i find it really hard sometimes when i go somewhere and the dont offer a alternative for vegatarians.. Its a really good idea as more people are starting to become vegans and vegatarians. But if you do already have some vegatarian things on the menu do you think you need to add more? Why not ask people when they stay there if they would prefer a wider selection?  hope that helps.x
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