
It is worth the time???

by  |  earlier

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I received a quote for braces yesterday of $5800. Called insurance and this is close to the norm. Shopped around but to actually get a quote you have to be examined by each and every place. Should I just let it be and pay this crazy price or would it be worth the time to go to each and every place to try and get a better price. Never knew it cost this much. Area is Virginia Beach Virginia. Let me know if you got a better deal..




  1. Well that is normal price range, but if you are paying all of that out of pocket, maybe you would like to look into a discount plan. With this company I have a friend who pd only $2250 out of pocket. Her insurance didn't cover orthodontics at all. The plan is $19.95 for a household per month and comes with vision, prescription and chiropractic discounts also. You could check out the website at and you can use it as soon as you sign up, I checked in the book and they have at least 15 doctors in the virginia beach area that participate. If you have any questions you can email me.

  2. I doubt you'll find it significantly cheaper at a different place. If you think it's out of line, you might want to go to a second place - it's not "shopping around" so much as "getting a second opinion." If it's in the same ballpark, that's what it's gonna cost. But don't go all over town. It's a waste of your time and the dentist's time.

  3. If your insurance said that's the going rate in your area I'd take their word for it. It's expensive. Make sure you wear your retainer when you're done with treatment.

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