
Italian neo n***s?

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I have to laugh at italians neo n***s and their ignorance. only nordics (northern europeans were considered fit for hitlers aryan race). The italians are mixed race as they were conquered and ruled for hundreds of years by the black moors of north africa, italians arent actually white they are all mixed race ie; caucasian and *******.

I love italy and have been many times I love its culture and people but sometimes they forget where they come from and that is southern europe as well as north africa. so italy lets cut the racism

black people are actually your homies.




  1. Racism is always based on myths, facts don't matter, it's all about blaming your problems on anyone who looks different, instead of focusing on the facts and realities to make things work. Italy is a place most of the world wants to visit, if they become a racist/n**i country (again) this will destroy tourism, and purchase of their exports. Nationalism is a good thing if it builds pride and encourages people to work hard to make their country a great place, but not if done by scape-goating and victimizing a part of it's own population. Most importantly, observing the laws of a nation are essential, or else it is nothing more than a mob of bandits and warlords.

  2. races dont exist, at least not as u think.

    but according to hitler's ideas... well he made an exception for italians because he was very fond of mussolini.

    all neonazis are ignorant, not only the italian ones.

  3. Italian neo n***s?? Where are them??

    In France there is Le Pen, about 15% votes

    In Austria there was Haider that tooke about 10% votes

    In Italy Forza Nuova takes only 1% votes

    We have not a big racist party!

  4. so you are telling me i am not white..mmmm..where my blond hair and blue eyes and mozzarella skin are coming from????

    right according to one of the race theory we ALL came from one black mother,

    so maybe next time on my application i'll check the box that says "black"

    ,and get same free benefits out of it ,hahahaha.

    yes we have been invaded by the Arabic(sorry but the moors were Arabians not Africans)as well from the french the Spanish the Germans,and all the barbarian groups.

    ups...we are the Romans and we invaded every single north European country. so maybe the British are black to???

    I agree with you,we should not discriminate. but don't point your finger against the Italians using history and saying we are black. If you want to use history reevaluate your theory.

    and do you know we don't use the word homies?? guess why???because we are a socialist country and we don't divide ourselves by race or social-class. we are new to immigration,and we are learning to deal with it,tell me a country that didn't have to go through a transitional face when it came to opening the door to immigrants.

  5. What the heck are you talking about?   Have you ever been to North Italy...Say Veneto or Friuli-Venezia Giulia? They are pretty darn white if you ask me.  Italians have been conquered by many races and nationalities such as the Spanish, French, Normans, Greeks, Moors, Celtics, etc.
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