
Its my birthday and....?

by  |  earlier

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and is seriously one of the worst ones ever

my dad was singing happy birthday... and said whats your girlfriends first name insted of boyfriend. i wouldn't have a problem with that but i am not g*y, and my parents seem to think that. it really upsets me... a lot... i am crying right now, and its my birthday, and i shouldn't be depressed on my birthday... i have given them no impression that i was g*y... except this one thing almost a year ago but i didn't even mean anything by it! oh yea and me pointing out this multi colored bag that my mom took as rainbow... and she got it for my birthday!!! now it feels like they think i am g*y even more...!!!

help me please!





  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    You need to talk to your parents about this.......They aren't being nice at all..............You should call up a friend and ask them to coma over and hang out or something............I'm sorry about this.......I hope your birthday gets better..............Best wishes...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. You need to confront your parents and tell them you aren't g*y and you don't appreciate them implying that you are. Insist they tell you why they are treating you this way. Tell them you want the g*y jokes to stop and you want to be treated with some respect.

  3. you need to get in their faces about it and let them see how upset you're getting. tell them you aren't g*y and don't appreciate the jokes about it.  

  4. WOW you need 2 tell ur parents that! sorry ur crying on ur b-day ..i did too once cause i was being bullied anyways..make it clear to them you liek guys by..i don't know getting a bf..or talking about liking guys..WAIT...jus give ur mom back the gift!..tell her straight to her face I'm not g*y! stop thinking that...Mi science teacher thought i was g* was starting to be a pain in da ***..but i ignored..and the more i did the lighter the teasing...

  5. Happy Birthday to you!  Sorry your parents made you cry. Probably they did not mean to hurt you. At least they love you even if you were g*y. You need to sit your parents in a nice way an tell them that you are hurt and that they need to get over what happened a year ago. tell them that you like boys and you need their support and their love, not the bully way they are performing to make you feel bad. Tell them you need an apology and ask them please not to do it again.

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA,OMFG,that is know,uh,i would like my parents to be that comprehensive with me,i am bi and my paretns got to know a few of it in the worst way possible,and they got mad at me very bad,they yelled at me and told me i was going to h**l and stuff like that...i still have lots of problems with glad you have a family that really loves you so much no matter what,and happy birthday,wish mine remember my birthday,they just let it pass and a few days later they hug me and make something like roasted chicken or something like that,but i know they really dont have the intention of celebrating me,i dont know,feel like im the black sheep....anyway,happy birthday and cheer up,take it like a joke from them,i know it hurts that people thinks you're g*y,but get over it,i mean,you're not g*y,and just for those two silly things they thought so....


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