
Its ramadhan in abt 3 weeks!

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And tis is my first time celebrating with my hubby! (Just married) i'm excited but dunno whut to cook for iftar (break fast) and sahur..any easy/delicious ideas or recipe guys? :D thanx!




  1. aww thats so cute =]

    cook him anything, he's ur hubby he'll eat it if it came from u  lol

  2. Mabrook inshallah you and your hubby will have a great first ramadan inshallah.   cook some chicken and rice, that always work or lamb to

  3. about SEP 2nd - 3rd , we wont be sure till then

    for sahur water and dates would do i guess

  4. I don't really have any recipes, but I have some suggestions! My husband doesn't liek to eat much in the morning, so what I make sure i do, is make sure that what he does eat is full of protein. (Protein keeps you full longer than carbs, like cereal) Try making eggs, or a helping of turkey bacon. With a side of toast, just so he does get some carbs. And if he's up to it, perhaps a nice slice of fruit. And LOTS OF WATER.

    For breakign the fast, well ask him what he likes to eat. Me, when I break the fast, I only like light things like soup or salad. But my husband would eat bricks if he could lol. So ask what he prefers when he fasts, and then make it. Like if he likes heavy things, make rice, meats, and pastas. If he likes light things, soups, salads, eggs, that type of thing.

    Of course, it's always wise to make a variety between lgiht and heavy, but when you cook, remember that your eyes will be bigger than your stomach.  

  5. Cook your husband Saag Paneer served with naan!

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