
Ive just bought this new bedding............?

by  |  earlier

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In my bedroom 3 of the walls are white and the other is currently pink (cos my bedrooms pink).So now I'll have to change the colour of the wall but dunno which colour to do it as the bed will be against the coloured wall. So I thought if I did it red it mite be too much red?? Dont really want to do it black cos thats too dark, then theirs grey in the bedding but thats a bit boring!! Should I just do it red???? Thankyou!




  1. I love the bedding, but I wouldn't paint the wall behind it red.  Let the comforter itself be the main attraction and paint the wall a deep charcoal gray.  Hang black and white framed prints on the wall or use some cool decals. Check these out:

  2. The grey that you think might be boring is actually best choice.Nice duvet by the way.

  3. I love the duvet set, and I wouldn't do it red because in my opinion there would be too much then, maybe choose a contrsting colour instead of one on the duvet or go for a very light red if you must xD

  4. why not try light blue

  5. yes

  6. I would get some wallpaper which includes all the colours of the linen in it and also in a cool/funky pattern that goes with my personality

  7. personally i would find it a bit disturbing to have a red wall.I keep mine neutral and have lots of changes of bed-linen for a constant different feel to the room.

  8. grey would be o/k, it is not that boring and it will match nicely

  9. do the grey and then buy some red picture frames and black an white prints , and your walls will come alive , add a touch of black to the room as well ,like lamps .I will look if I can find something to give you an idea ,be back in a jiffy keep looking at my answers . here is a frame

  10. That bedding is stunning!

    Yeah go for red!  Add colour!

    Some people are afraid to add colour, don't be, if you really really hate it it's not the end of the world you can always change it.  is that the bedding and you can have it in 2 colours?  If it is, you can put the darker side on display then it won't be so much red.

    If it's just one wall it'll be fine, just get some white/cream cushions for the bed, it will help break up the red and if you still think it's too much get a framed picture/photo on the wall!

    Good luck <3

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