
JFK theory?

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  1. money....brown& root w/ no contracts?.....


  3. He got shot by Oswald and Died. Oswald got shot and died by Ruby. Done

    I don't like the conspiracy theories.

  4. My theory is a bit Hollywoodish, LOL... but I think it is quite possibly that this is what really happened.

    Forget about the theory that the US government executed their president. That's childish... Or that Fidel conspired and succeeded. Childish too.

    I believe that the biggest mysteries have the simplest of explanations always...  so let's go back instead to the time when JFK was actually elected president.  (I'm not an expert on US politics, far from it so excuse inaccuracies).  

    JFK own his election over Nixon with a very small margin.  I remember reading that the few votes that tipped the balance in favour of JFK were cast in Chicago and that the mafia/mob had 'persuaded' a lot of people in that city to vote for JFK.

    So JFK owed his victory to the mafia.  -Now... when you owe a favour to the mafia you have to deliver, promptly and without question, when called upon to do so.

    My belief is that he must have been called upon to return the favour and, of course, knowing JFK and his brother, he refused.

    That was a BAD, BAD decision.  The execution of JFK is typical of the mafia, isn't it ? -The 'condemned' man is executed in PUBLIC and with the best possible show, because that way it is as if they are warning others.

    Well, it worked, didn't  it ?  Hoffa received a presidential pardon from Nixon years later --(how many presidential pardons have there been in the history of the USA?  -- I don't really know. Could have been many but I doubt it).

    I know it is a bit far fetched but it is possible, isn't it ?  I believe it is.

  5. I don't believe in "MAGIC" Bullets.

  6. i looked into this once. apparantly there were around 5 snipers including E Howard Hunt & 2 brothers called they ultimately used Oswald as scapegoat because they didnt like his ties to USSR. fidel castro's mistress exposed all this in court because she was in one of the two cars that travelled to texas with the men and guns. forgotten her name, she met castro when she was 18, forced to have abortion then turned sides & worked for CIA who gave her cyanide pill to kill castro, she says it went wrong (the pill dissolved in her face-cream where she had hidden it), more likely she didnt want to do it. after that she was mistress to some other big-shot in south america for the CIA too. her testimony in court is on the internet somewhere (sorry). but anyway it was all to do with cuba. nixon tapes use 'the bay of pigs' as code for the assassination of JFK.

    also note he made a 'death-wish' speech exposing the illuminati - which will have anyone killed.

    i pray to god they dont get obama.
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