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ok im 5"8" 15 years old i can dunk in a 9 foot hoop how can i jump higher to dunk




  1. first thing you need to do is start doing calf ups.just stand straght and lift urself up on your tippy toes,do this a minimum of 200 times a day.then when you feel your legs have built more muscle start getting dumbells and holding them while you do it and as you get stronger add more weight to the dumbells.also u can try what is called leap stepping,as u run tords the goal strart taking very long steps.but remember timing is key,you have to know when to jump and know when u have reached the peak of your jump to sink that ball

  2. Of all the answers I just read I highly doubt any except maybe the second one will work.... I can help you with this because I used to couldnt jump very high and now im dunking with ease... I can tell you the things I did, but they are just plyometrics... so google plyometrics for jumping or dunking and you should have a list of things to do... remember to stretch before doing any of them...  

  3. There are a few things you can do that are easy and very inexpensive.

    First and easiest is to jump rope. This is the quickest and easiest way to build your calf muscles. Of course, it can get boring, but 10 minutes a day of jumping rope will increase your vertical. It was a big part of my college basketball training.

    Second is to carry weights around when you are at home. Yes, even if you don't have a weight set you can carry weights; simply fill some freezer plastic bags with sand and carry them with you around your home. They are bulky and awkward, so you'll also be building arm strength as well as carrying extra weight to work out your legs.

    Third is to take stairs instead of an elevator or escalator whenever possible (within reason of course!). It will build up your quads. When I say within reason, if you live on the 25th floor of course you shouldn't walk up all the flights of stairs.

  4. well u can always practice on a trampoline and build up ur leg muscles....

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