
Jade Goody in the news?

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What is happening to her is awful and I have every sympathy but I'm mystified - why is she living this nightmare through the tabloids and television - to me it gives the whole thing a whiff of publicity stunt, does anyone else think this?




  1. she's trying to get sympathy because everybody hated her...most of us still do...she is SO trashy!!

  2. Im afraid its got worse in terms of 'news' because her boyfriend was up on charges of assault on a 16 year old boy. He's been supporting her through this current ordeal and finally looked to be showing some responsiblity, he couldnt keep that up for long though

  3. She is a publicity hound. If she could give birth live on TV, she would if the price was right.

    I don't understand the interest in such a nobody.


  4. Its half a stunt half not, i think anyway.

    Its not fake because the doctors told her during big brother.

    But shes using it as a way to get the press, and money.

  5. its a great way to get back in the publics good books..i have no doubt she has problems with irregular cells on her cervix but this whole thing is being stage managed to give her a new lease of life as a celebrity............she will be on GMTV and all the womens mags and they may even re release the perfume....sorry to be a cynic but these media whores will do anything for the publicity

  6. I think its to win back any popularity that she lost with the public for being  a racist . I am not disputing the fact she has cancer . But I will be very surprised if it is terminal . My sister had the same thing  and after treatment she was fine . If she was terminal surely she wouldn't wish to live her life  so much in the public eye  . So I am a bit skeptical

  7. Miss Goody pay a publicist a lot of money to keep her name in the papers, her intention is to get the sympathy vote and incredibly many people are falling for it  

  8. My heart goes out to anyone with cancer.  I suppose she is using the publicity to raise cancer awareness.

    It does give the whiff as you say, I suppose if you are knocked by something so awful you do anything to keep your mind busy, may as well make some cash for your kids the best way you can

  9. Could be a stunt,to save her boyfriend from going to prison,if it was she failed he got 18months prisonment

  10. jade tells her whole harrowing story only to twit magazine!!!!

    she may be going thru something horrifying,but she is milkin every penny out of it....

    a dignified period of quiet convalescence would do more for her in the eyes of the public than whoring her story round every trash mag going..

    expect a ringtone to come out soon of her crying.  

  11. Because we now live in a society where people think it's acceptable for every aspect of their lives to be sold for a few pounds and a few minutes of fame. Jade Goody is exhibit A for this yet I don't think anyone though even she could sink quite this low. She put money before her health, exploited such a terrible point in her life for a air time and, like has been mentioned here already, no doubt to win over a few people she lost when she revealed herself to be a foul-mouthed, ignorant racist.

    I do have sympathy and I feel that no one, no matter their circumstances deserves to go through this, but this woman needs to find her self respect that she abandoned the second she set foot in the big brother house for the first time. She needs to get out of the foul publicity game, forget about money which supposedly would have been to provide for her sons; apart from the fact she's clearly pissed away the millions she has already sold herself for, I'm sure her sons would appreciate their mum being around rather than being left with a few grand each.

  12. I honestly think that this is the only way she can cope with her illness being in the limelight and lets face it she needs to provide for her childrens future in case she is now longer around to do so. Not a pleasant thought is it!  

  13. I was going to post a question on this subject after seeing her on tv am this morning. While she was being interviewed she said it wasn't her doctor that told her, but another doctor. At this point my ears pricked up as she went on to say it was her agent. Do you see where I'm coming from as she then went on to say that her private doctor had told her blah blah blah. By now I'm not sure who is more confused, me or her. She won't be treated by the NHS as this is urgent, now that is wrong as no way would there be any delay in treating her and why the feck if it's that urgent is she doing interviews on tv. To be perfectly honest I think that is the best I've ever seen her look and if my suspicions are wrong then I apologise.

  14. For the life of me I have never understood how she ever became so successful, she has absolutely no talent, is not good looking, is not intelligent and has a gob on her that makes her sound really common, she must have a really good agent because I don`t see why anyone would pay to see her, as for her illness, if it is bad, then I feel sorry for her, just as I would feel sorry for anyone with cancer.

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