
Japanese are the British of Asia?

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Is it true?




  1. I'm a Japanese girl.

    Nope!!!!!! We are Asian even though some say that Japan is not considered as a typical Asian. Britain is Europe!!

    What is the similarity between Japan and Britain??????

    We are different!!!

  2. in what way?

    Britain and Japan are both isolated islands so i guess the thing they have in common is that they aren't attatched to the main landmass of the continent in which they belong. they both have the same general attitude in regards to being islands in that they feel it is easier to forgot they belong to any continent (a lot of British people dont feel that they are properly European as they dont live in the mainland of Europe, and its probably the same for the Japanese in relation with Asia) and tend to worry about their own problems as a country than what is happening on the continent

    plus they are both good allies of the US and ive often heard people say that Britain's society is more American than it is European; similarily with Japan which is more Americanised than China for example

  3. Huh ?

  4. In a few ways I would agree with that.  There are certain cultural traits which I found kind of familiar when in Japan; for example not liking to make a scene or to be too noisy in public, both societies place a certain emphasis on manners/etiquette/social rules.  Although the British have relaxed a lot of these, more so than the Japanese.  There are other similarities in terms of geographic size, island nation etc as the above person pointed out.

    I have to disagree with cafff on a few points though.  British society is definitely more European than American, although we are somewhat different to continental Europe.  I would say that a lot of British people DO consider themselves to be European, although it's always to ones who claim not to be that get the most media coverage.  And I also disagree that Britain worries more about it's own problems that those of Europe, to some extent we do but I don't think any more than the average European country does.

    So there are some similarities, but I think Japan is a lot more isolationist that Britain, which has a large amount of immigration from many areas of the world..compared to Japan's tiny immigrant population.  Also Japan has a strange 'we're pure Japanese, you're all foreigners' attitude.  The histories of Japan and England also couldn't really be more opposite; Japan: cut itself off from the world and became very inward-looking, Britain: exploration and expansion, formed a giant empire.

    So, in short, some truth to the statement but overall it's wrong.  My opinion anyway.

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