
Jaymes or James?

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My soon to be son's name is going to be Hayden James.

But my bf like it spelled Jaymes better. I like it both ways and I would go with his way but I think the y in Hayden and the y in Jaymes it to much to go together. Hayden Jaymes or Hayden James?

What do you think?




  1. i think it should be Hayden James.  There is already a "y" in Hayden and james with a "y" in it looks stupid and it looks like Jayme. when you have a name like James, it should be spelled the tradtional way.  congrates on the baby!

  2. Hayden James

    (use the orig. James)


  3. James. Go the traditional way. Otherwise you're always going to be having to correct peoples spellings. Plus the y makes it look more girly in a boys name.

  4. i like jaymes better but whit havein the first name hayden i think it would br better spelled james....

  5. I like both spellings but my favorite is James!!!! specially cause the y thing!!! by the way love the name Hayden James!!

  6. Save the kid some grief.  Stay with Hayden James.

  7. james, i think that Jaymes looks stupid! So definetly go with the refular spelling! JAMES! because if u spell it the othey way people will call him JAIMES like a girl name ...ewww

    Hayden James, but hayden is more of a girl name, dont u think! I do not like that name for a boy at all!

  8. Hayden James.

    Hayden Jaymes doesn't look right.

    It's like to many y's or something.

    It's a cute idea but not with Hayden.

    Hope this helps!

  9. James.

    or Jaimes.

  10. Hayden James is best, Jaymes looks like Jay mees.

  11. Hayden James

  12. Definitely James. I'm all into classic spellings..and Jaymes just looks like your trying too hard to be different.

  13. Haiden Jaymes is nice way to spell it. I wouldn't spell Hayden Jaymes though as they look too similar. 'Hay Jay' could end up being his nickname at school. lol :-)

  14. Jaymes is defintely very cute!!! But with the Y in Hayden, I think it's best to stick with James.  Very CUTE name!!!


  15. Jaymes makes it look girlie.  sorry.  I like it with no Y

  16. Hayden James. Definitely!!!

    People may think its pronounced JAY-MUS or JAY-MIS.

    I like the original spelling of James but its what ever floats your boat.....

    Hope this was help!!!!

    Congratulations on your new baby boy!!!    :D

    P.S. I love the name Hayden James!! It just flows really well!

  17. James,

    Jaymes looks like it would be pronounced Jay-MEES

  18. Cute name!! I would do either:

    Hadden Jaymes, Haden Jaymes or Haiden Jaymes


    Hayden James - (my favorite!)

    I wouldn't do both with the "y" ... also Jaymes might look like "Jay-mus" to some people.

    Good Luck & God Bless! & CONGRATS!!!

  19. hhhmmmm....i think it Hayden James would be better.  Unless you did Haeden Jaymes.  That would work

  20. I think 'James' would be better, but only because there is already a 'y' in Hayden. If Hayden was differently spelt [like Haiden or Haden] or a different name altogether i'd choose Jaymes as its kind of uncommon & unique.

  21. I like it with the y but I like the different spellings

  22. go with james.... otherwise it looks like jamie's

  23. James, if you change how you spell it he will spend his life correcting people, I speak from experiance!

  24. good name (that is my son's name). I would go with James. Jaymes is like Jamie with an "s", it wouldnt be pronounced "James"...

  25. """""

    Hayden Jaimes


  26. I like the spelling Jaymes cause its different

  27. i prefer hayden james

    the y is too much


  28. James is better!!!

  29. Jaymes or James? Both are OK. Why you have to be the same like the average? You have your own choice. Don't leave your decision so changeable to others. Go back to have a nice talk with your BF. It is good for you two.
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