
Jealous Friend Help!!!!!!!!?

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Please can you help me? I have a friend (not a bf!).I was playing with him and these 2 girls came along and wanted to tell me something about him. These girls were my friends and one of them wanted to talk with me in private. I will call the mean friend 007.And the nice friend Goldeneye. Now Goldeneye wanted to tell me something and told me to hate him. While we were talking 007 was sneaking in on us and listening to what we were saying. Then 007 told he boy I hate him. I didn't know that 007 was sneaking and listening to me. I didn't want to tell the boy I hate him. So I left Goldeneye and told him to talk to me in private. I went and found him talking to 007. I got angry and told him to speak to me. He didn't’t listen to me and told me what I was planning. I told him that whatever 007 sd is a lie. He didn't’t believe me. Then he left me. What do you think I should say to him? Please help urgently and give me as much detail as possible!





  1. These are childish games!

  2. Tell your friend the truth!

  3. the best thing to do is let the tension lighten up first. wait for a couple of days and tell this guy the truth. and if he didnt believed you. You should just leave him alone. because if he doesnt trust you whats the point with having him as a friend

  4. You all sound very very young.  With this in mind I would suggest that you  just wait the storm out.  Your mean friend and your nice friend don't seem that good of friends for what they were doing, I would also find different friends for future.  In the mean time your other *not b/f* will have to come to his senses sometime, they usually do if you two have been friends forever, it takes more than a few gossipping giggling girls to break up a true friendship...just give it some time  

  5. ermm................well you should confront your so called 'friend', and tell her what is up with the green monster?? You should tell your friend that it was a lie and that you wouldn't lie to him ever! Hope it works....

  6. that 007 is nasty! and there was me thinking 007 was the Good guy. Anyway next time you see him just explain again that 007 was stirring and that is not what you said. As for goldeneye she sounds suspicious also like maybe she knew what the plan was. umm i would keep an eye on her!

  7. Let him believe what he wants to. It's his choice. Also, forget nasty friends because you don't deserve them. Move on!

  8. The only thing you can do is try to prove that you didn't say that you hate him and that it was all planned by golden eye and 007.  But if he didn't want to listen to you when you were trying to explain he probably not going to believe you.   All i can say is that you try and set both girls up so that they can say that they did it and record them and let him here it.  So by asking both girls, why do you want me to hate him.

  9. tell him your sorry this broke out! and maybe Goldeneye can back you up!!!! and if he doesn't believe it then tell him is this Worth braking your friendship over?!?! and tell him "you know 007 do you belive her over me?"  

  10. If he won't listen to reason, then maybe he isn't the guy for you. A nice one would believe you and not fall into a lie, such as the one " 007" told. Try talking it over with him, if he won't listen, you can make the decision whether he is the guy for you or not.

    hope i've helped :)

  11. If he really likes you then he would believe you. If he wont listen to you then maybe he isn't the friend you thought he was. You should also ask yourself if you are in the wrong, or if you ever gave this impression.

  12. can you give us details of  the age of the people in this movie?

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