
Jealous toddler.....

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When explaining to a 2 year old, what is a good reason why her newborn baby sister can have a dummy whenever she wants it, whereas my toddler can only have hers at bed time??




  1. Tell her shes a big girl now and doesnt need it as much as wee baby x

  2.      Well... i don't know what a dummy is but i would just tell the 2 year old dummies are for babies! just say if you want to have a dummy all the time i will treat you like a baby instead of a big girl! no one likes to be called a baby!  

  3. My children never used these so I'm just going to give you an idea.  Besides giving your two year old encouragement and praise maybe try giving him/her a treat.  Are you potty training the two year old??  Jealousy is absolutely normal for a child that age.  And if the only concern is over the pacifier then I think you have it pretty good.  

    Ask your doctor what he/she prefers.  Couldn't hurt.

    Good luck!!

  4. With the children I care for we have the 'dummy fairy'...I say that babies have dummy's to help them sleep and practise sucking for bottles, but as we get older we know how to sleep and we dont have bottles so we dont need to have the dummy anymore. Grown ups call the dummy fairy who then takes the dummy's cleans them and gives them to all the new babies who have been born.

    I usually ensure them that as the baby gets older they will give dummy's to fairy as well. But they arent big enough yet.

    This usually satisfies them and they go on with their day (normally because I then distract them as soon as possible hehe).

  5. i dont know what a dummy is. but i'm assuming a bottle? tell your older one that when she was a baby she had hers all the time but shes a big girl now and the younger one is just a new baby. say something to make her feel like a big girl. or try to make her give it up and tell her the new baby needs it maybe she will give it away to the new baby. my kids are all close together and they used to love to give there stuff to the youngest

  6. I'm not sure explaining to a two-year-old is actually going to help you any.  Even if you do explain (and sensically!) your toddler is still going to want her pacifier the whole time if she sees another child having theirs.  Just continue to enforce your bedtime-only rule.

  7. cuz you're toddlers a big girl and her newborn sister isnt grown up enough yet

  8. A dummy is a pacifier, right? Play on the whole "big girl" thing - tell her that big girls don't need them as much as babies do because they are braver and bigger. You could also point the things that the 2 year old can do that the baby can't, like eating really food.

  9. For a start I dont agree with dummies anyway

    But why not say something that makes your 2 year old feel shes special because she doesnt use the dummy as often as the newborn. Something along the lines your a big girl or its just for little babies.

  10. just say - because your dumbass parents have no fecking clue what they're doing allowing their children to have dummies
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