
Job Help Please Help

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my 12 yr old daughter really wants to make a little extra money but i have none to give are there any possible jobs my 12 yr old can get or is she too young?




  1. She's too young for a job that pays min. wage or anything. Have her babysit or dogwalk;...

  2. I think age requirements differ from state to state.   I think my state age limit was 13, but I live in a bustling city, so it could be lower in more rural areas.

    Grocery stores would be my first bet.  After that, I would look into any store help (general help) job...stock person, cashier, sales, sweeper (my friend earned tips sweeping up cut hair at my local barbershop when he was really young), and whatever else that doesn't require much craft or trade.

  3. she can (for the neighbors that you know):

    - baby sit

    - rake leaves off yard

    - walk dogs

    if she's got the cute factor and has some soft of acting skills, try to get her on some commercials (print and tv)

    if you have a relatively safe neighborhood:

    - deliver newspapers

    - sell homemade cookies to neighbors

  4. How about a lemonade stand-I used to love that as a child or helping you maybe sell somewhere in a flea market or craft show, cuteness does always help!

    And it's great she wants to work so young, maybe she can get a newspaper route on her bicycle if she has one, good exercise and some spending money plus it'd be a good way to teach her about money management young!Congrats on having such a great daughter wanting to work already, I wish her luck and hope this helps :-)

  5. Delivering newspaper but if you are uk I think the youngest you can have a job is 13.
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