
Jobs anywhere?

by  |  earlier

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I live int East central Alabama.Practically all the factories have packed up and headed for parts unknown . My wife and are fortunate to be financially able to relocate but where?TRUE STORY .We recently traveled to another city to check on jobs,while there filling out applications a hispanic lady (HR worker) came into the lobby and ask a hispanic youth,in spanish, if he had good papers. He told her he had bought some that weekend. I can only assume she didnt know we spoke spanish.He got a job My wife and I were told there were no openings and sent away.But Im sure they will call us.Right?Let me say Im not against ANYONE bettering themselves but in a region with double digit unemployment we locals need the work




  1. I am sorry that happened to you but the fact is that happens a LOT more than people know it does. and the truth is: soon unless you are hispanic or non American you will NOT be able to get a job of any kind anywhere.  US citizens are now a minority. If I need welfare because I can't find a job, I am called a lazy irresponsible bum..if a hispanic is working full time they get welfare and it's because "they need it"... I guess we should get use to losing our RIGHTS as a US citizen because it's already happened.

  2. Your question is if there are jobs anywhere - my answer would be there have got to be jobs somewhere if unemployment is only at 6% nationwide. Must be bad in your area if its into double digits.  Question is, are the jobs that are available ones you have the aptitude & skills for, or want to apply for.

    I have lived in 2 states & 3 cities over the last 3 years & in each of them factories have been closing & moving to India or some other country with cheaper labor costs.  But, think about this, as the dollar devalues & the increased cash flow helps the market economy in those countries, in a few years it will be cheaper to bring those jobs back to the USA.

    With the aging population in the USA, the fastest growing job market is in medical care.  So, your best bet will probably be to take courses for work in that field - medical technician, nurse, medical administration & billing, etc.

    Another growth area is IT, take courses to become a website designer, computer technician or programmer, etc.

    Until the economy hit the skids tourism was another industry that had a lot of jobs - hotels, entertainers, casino employees, chefs, waiters/waitresses, etc. - but with the cost of fuel, devaluation of the dollar & people losing jobs, fewer vacations are being taken.

    So, in a nutshell - yes, there are jobs out there somewhere, but you might not be qualified for them.  Why don't you go to or & look for jobs that match your skills & see where the majority of those jobs are located.  Or, inversely, pick a city/state you think you'd like to move to & check websites to see what jobs are available within 50 miles of that city.  Use that criteria, along with good schools for your kids, a job to match your wife's skills + anything else you need/want to decide where you should move to.  Then start applying for jobs online at the same time you consult with a realtor about housing in the area.

  3. Report the company to ICE.  They have a hotline phone number on their website, as well as local offices/regional processing centers.  I hope you got the name of the woman in HR, and wrote down details immediately following the incident.

    You can also sue the company for discrimination on the basis of national origin.  If they are hiring illegal aliens and denying jobs to citizens, that is also a violation of anti-discrimination laws.  There have been a few test cases now, with big settlements.  google "Kris Kobach" (IIRC he's an atty with some background in this); file a complaint with the nearest Human Rights Commission (they haven't gotten a handle on this yet, they only help "minorities" but harrass them until they file anyway); file complaint with the state Labor Dept; get an attorney specializing in labor law and file suit.

    Glad you speak espanol.  Just hope you wrote down a translation of the conversation you overheard as soon as you got out of there.  A witness is likewise a major help.

    If you run into this again: gather every bit of evidence you can, make notes; call ICE.  These leads may take awhile, but look at the big-time busts they have made recently.  And every one of them starts with a phone call from one p.o'd citizen.

  4. In fact you cannot assume the legal status of anybody just based on a conversation, or language they spoke, color of the skin or their aspect.  You don't really know if that conversation was based on real sentences or just a friendly conversation in slang with jokes. Reporting a company to ICE based in nothing but a possible joke can be a lot of awsted resources and money, time and credibility.  Also you don't want to appear on TV as a racist. Do you?

  5. Report them at this website:
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