
John Leslie's been cleared?

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Did you ever believe any of the allegations against him?

I didn't believe Ulrika Jonsson or this latest claim either. I mean Ulrika used to cuddle up to John Leslie on the sofa after this supposed attack took place.

I think it's so bad his career's been ruined over this.




  1. I think he is a fairly sordid character, but would suggest that this claim is at best a case of regrets the morning after the night before.

    It is sad that a woman making a claim in order to get a few pounds or many pounds compensation by way of a conviction and Civil Cout action makes it more difficult to believe the genuine cases of rape and assault.

  2. Cleared of what?

    He wasn't charged with anything. Dimwit.

  3. No, I didn't believe any of the slurs against him. after all the first time round it was all innuendo by the well known Swedish bike ulrika loose knickers. What really brassed me off was Fern Britton and her "I don't believe this of John, he is a good friend and as such I will support him" . She soon changed her opinion when the T.V. company dropped him and she was told to change her mind. perhaps now he will get a bit of peace !

  4. you got to be kidding.

  5. I think that the last two lines of that article sum it up:

    "The law confers a blanket of anonymity on complainants but the accused enjoys no such protection.

    Instead his reputation, his character, his career and his family are regarded as fair game by the media. "

    I have no idea of what John Leslie did or didn´t do, but it does seem unfair that he is exposed to such media scrutiny just for being accused.

    I don´t think it is the norm for rape accusations to be falsely made...but it DOES happen and so the accused should be afforded some protection as they are supposedly innocent until proven guilty.

  6. there have been other women as well as the two you've mentioned.... so yes..I am inclined to believe Ulrika Johnson.

    If the woman's dropping her claims, that doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't raped. A lot of rape victims drop their allegations rather than go through the ordeal.

    Ulrika Johnson is a lot of things... but a liar isn't one of them.

  7. I don't know whether he did or didn't- but I always thought there was something sexually immature about him- I saw a valentine's day promotion on breakfast telly when he was on and he behaved like a silly schoolboy- giggling and making inappropriate comments- any damage done to his career has been done by him and his actions- look at Matthew Kelly- he was accused of horrible things but kept his dignity and his career hasn't been affected-

    I'd put my money on Ulrika telling the truth if I had to....

  8. Funny how people rush to defend a man accused by so many women.

    Bet you believe in smoke without fire as well!!!!

    I am passionate about the way men are so badly treated in rape allegations but sadly this man has faced far too many allegations to be actively defended!!!

  9. Ulrika is Ulrika,she doesnt reall have any credibility anyway.

    Indeed mud sticks and though he is vindicated ,his career is effectively over.

    It reminds me of how Mike Tyson was also accused by a headline grabbing gold digging slag too.

    Even though she voluntarily accompanied him to his hotel room at midnight after pestering him all night and telling her friends she was going to nail him,even though after the "rape",she came back to belt out songs on Karaoke and didnt report the "rape" for days.This could look highly suspicious that she was actually raped at all.

    Unfortunately,6 years imprisonment and the effective career end of what was probably one of history's greatest sportsmen.

  10. NEVER beleived it in the first place. Girls that do this are SCUM and make REAL RAPE VICTIMS look like liars too. I hope she goes to prison for wasting Police time.

  11. Cleared of all allegations - could have been because of a lack of evidence after all it has been over a decade since the alleged attack took place.

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