
Johnjay and rich???

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WHAT happened on Johnjay and Rich this morning?!?! I woke up to go to work, turned on the radio like I always do, and heard Johnjay and Rich profusely apologizing for something, a bunch of angry listeners calling in and then they say they might not be on the air anymore due to this??? Does ANYONE know what they said or what segment they played that got them in trouble since they refuse to talk about it?? HELP!




  1. I find it interesting that more people did NOT hear anything than those that did.  I called everyone I know that listens to the show and amazingly, NONE of my friends heard it.

    I think it is an elaborate, and ultimately a GREAT April Fool's joke.  Look at all of us who have been roped into this!  Obviously, I did too, as I Googled to find out what happened.  It "happened" just over an hour ago, and NO ONE has blogged the actual incident, but everyone is asking what happened.

    I think the cat meowing (which is awesome, I actually looked out of my window thinking a cat was in my yard) is the perfect cover, no one would think that they would pull two pranks at the same time!

    I hope I am right (along with the others that think it's a prank, too).  Even though Johnjay has a tendency to be offensive and there are times that I have to change the station, I will miss listening to them if it is real and they lose their jobs!

  2. I just found out from someone that I know at tv 3 that this  IS an April Fools joke.  Great Job JohnJay and Rich.    Awesome April Fools' Joke !!!!!   You had me going !!!!!!!!!!

  3. I was listening from about 6:55 to 7:30 and there was nothing offensive.  I totally think that it was an april fools joke i turned my radio off for like 3 seconds to take a call  and then all of the sudden angry callers were calling in about them having gone way too far.  Kid and Ruben were doing something similar where at like 6:00 they told the listeners to call in after 7:00 saying that they saw a UFO.  I think it is a similar thing if you were listening to the GBG then you probably know what was going on.

  4. It is April 1st, April Fool's Day. They could be messing around. I also keep hearing a cat meowing in the background too so who knows. I've been listening to Johnjay and Rich since 2001 and during that time they've done and said a lot of shady things so I can't imagine what was so bad.

  5. are you sure? they could be joking around? cuz i tried looking for it over the net and i havent seen anything about it.. you got me curious too..

  6. Yeah I turned on the radio at like 7 am and they were talking about what "just happened" and me and my boyfriend were like "what the h**l?"...Then we realized what day it was and assumed it was an April Fool's Joke. If it was such a big deal and they wanted it to blow over why would they keep patching phone calls through from people? I just don't know how they got away with randomly having people call in without everyone listening being like "what? this is lame"...Unless at like 6:45 they said "Everyone listening in and talk about how you can't believe we did that and how you're never listening to us again. We're playing an April Fool's Joke on everyone that starts listening at 7."  That's still pretty lame though. And the cat is freakin annoying.

    Dude, that blog is from April 11, 2006. I don't think they're talking about what happened this morning. And that's not even very offensive. What body part are you missing? Not really enough to warrent the reaction from this morning. I'm still standing by that it was an April Fool's Joke.

  7. april's fool

  8. i think it their april's fool prank
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