
Joining Civil Air Patrol?

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I really really really want to join CAP. But I don't even know where to begin. I've been to the websites and everything but I'm not sure what the first step is to join. Is it a long process? And are there any interviews or anything that I would need before I can join CAP?

If anyone has joined feel free to tell me what you went through to join.





  1. I know you have looked at the websites but use the links below.  It has specific information regarding some of your questions.

    I am assuming you are a teenager.  If not follow the links for the appropriate age group.  The process is not long.  Yes there are interviews but they are not demanding.  Just be honest about your goals and objectives.  It is a rewarding opportunity.  If you are committed to learning and exploring this is a great way to improve yourself and see if a career in aviation is for you.  Even if you are interested in other avenues of service.  It does have discipline involved but it is in know way like joining the regular military.  I think you would enjoy it.  

  2. my older brother was in the CAP when he was younger but i took the police explorer choice

  3. Most likely you need to pursue a military air career. Flying a helicopter is harder and advanced than a plane. You need some place that you could get a lot of flight experience and training.

  4. As a cadet of four years and the cadet commander of my squadron, I can say that CAP is one of the best things I ever did. Now, the joining process differs from squadron to squadron. All I had to do when I joined was show up to three meetings and send in the membership form. Some squadrons will have review boards to decide if they want you, but as long as you have decent grades and don't have a criminal record, you should be fine. Just as long as you aren't a troublemaker.

    As far as the military goes, there is no obligation to serve, nor is CAP part of the military. CAP is a private, nonprofit corporation that serves under the 1st Air Force when performing USAF-designated missions, which are always non-combatant. It's completely voluntary, you can leave if you don't like it.

    You need to find out where the nearest squadron is, if you don't know already. Many squadrons meet on airports, so call ahead so they know you're coming. Needless to say, after 9/11 security became very, very tight at some airports. Ask them what their policy is on joining, and hop right in.

    Just remember, the biggest learning experiences (and fun experiences, while we're at it) come from Wing activities. You will get much out of CAP if you are active. Good luck.

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