
Joining Football too late?

by  |  earlier

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OK here is my story i want to join my

hs football team 1 problem..... they have already started. Good thing is though the season hasn't started yet and their first scrimmage is tomorrow me and my friend are gonna go to the athletic directors office but i don't know what to do? Another good thing is though is that they allowed a guy to join about 2 days ago so hopefully there is chance.




  1. Well, if you go to a school that is desperate for players (i.e., a small town with a small pool like the town I'm from), then you could probably just walk in and say "hey, I hear you're shorthanded." But, if you're from a town/school with plenty to choose from, then, even if you get on the team, it doesn't mean you'll do more than keep the bench warm for the real players.

    But, it's worth a shot. Something to keep you busy is always good. Beats getting into drugs and alcohol....

    Unless your school was like mine (and every bad Texas football/small town high school movie), then its the football quarterback throwing the keggers....

    And we wonder why we rarely even made playoffs.... hmm. Anyway...

    Good luck!

  2. 1st of all u better be in shape

    2nd of all u should had went to summer conditioning but it isnt fun atleast coaches know ur comitted to the team and that gets u more playing time and maybe a starting position at special teams if ur a so-so player.

    3rd of all u will get limitted playing time unless u impess the coaches.i mean play soccer since soccer teams always need players

  3. u better have a good reason

    and fyi u better be in good shape

    especially if uve been drinking soda and junk food

    it wont be fun

  4. So you are telling me you are to lazy to do the off season workouts that have been going on for 6 months and now you think it is cool to tell everyone you are a football player, but dont want to put in the work. I am a high school coach and if the HC is a real coach he will let you be a Mgr this year and then try next year.

  5. um first off i would go to the coach and introduce urself and all that yadda yadda, then after that he'll prolly update u on all the info u needa kno, then athletic director go to him and tell him wut u plan, then after that most likely ull needa fill out all the sports packets and prolly geta physical at the doctors before u can play.........

    also i kno others hav said this already but it is pretty late for u to be starting ball...i mean our team  started lifting and all that the week after our season ended, did spring ball round may-june, camp in july, then 2 a days and regular practice just a couple weeks ago....lemme tell u its gona take u a while to catch up to the team....but i wish u good luck and hope u get on the team and do well  

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