
Joining XC in the fall......?

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I transformed from a thrower to a long-distance runner this past track season. I like running so much I decided to join my school's cross country team. I am joing to be a sophmore next fall and have never done XC. I can run at least 6 miles at once. I am not that fast but my coach says I have the will, the endurance, and the determination. My question is, what should i do over my summer break? I really want to do well. There is only one other girl that does long distance running and she's been doing it since she was like 6 or 7. If anyone has some tips or personal experiences i would love to hear them. Thanks!!!




  1. you should ask the girl that has been running since she was 6 or 7

  2. If you are really serious...2-a-day workouts....maintain flexibility...strong Achilles...strong calf muscles...don't worry about speed work....for strength, there is nothing like running hill repeats....

  3. over summer break u should just run and maybe u and the other long distance girl could get together and run....thats what we do for my cross country team we have a time and place we meet every week day and run and cross country is loads of fun and it is alot better than track by lots what is your times in track

  4. If you are new at the sport, all you want to do is bould up your mileage. Over the summer start out running 6 times a week, first week run 2-3 miles a week for 5 days, then take an off day, then do a LSD(long slow distance run) for abould 5-6 miles(this should be about half the speed of your regular pace), then each week try to increase your mileage, but never increase more than 25% of last weeks milage. An LSD run should be about 1.5 times as long as your regular run. I did this last summer and ended up running (300 miles), which you probably should not do as a beginner, you should do about (200-250) and it help me improve alot. Good luck. Life is short, run distance!

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