
Joining the army next month. . .???

by Guest55749  |  earlier

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and I scored a 70 on the practice asvab. He said if i score over a 50 something new the army is doing now is letting you pick your duty station if you score well. What are some of the best army posts to live??? I would love to go to hawaii, i've lived at Carson Lewis Bliss and Knox. Any suggestions to where I should pick to take my wife and two lil girls




  1. First let me congratulate you on joining the armed forces! My husband is in the army and we love it.  Unfortunately, it sounds like you have fallen victim to the "less than truthful" recruiter. My husband's was one of these!

    You are NOT allowed to choose your own duty station (if only!!!). If this was the case, everyone would be in Hawaii right now...and the army knows this!  

    Your duty station depends on which MOS you choose (which you are allowed to choose).  First, you will go to boot camp...there are certain boot camps for every MOS. Infantry is at Fort Bennick, GA for example. Then, you will have to go to your AIT (school where you learn to do what it is you signed up to do).  Then, if you graduate as expected, they will send you wherever there is an opening. This could be Hawaii...could be Italy...could be El Paso Tx.

    And just so you are aware...many people score over a 100 on their ASVAB. 70 is a great score--but many many people score over a 50.  He is trying to make you feel like if you go ahead and join, you will be in the TOP.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Why you joining once you demob the army wont help you whether your injured the army is thankless operation

  3. Fort Meade, MD

    It's about to get bigger but it's still a small chilled out post where you don't have to worry about silly rules the way the big posts are.

    It has good housing and schools.  There's plenty for the wife and kids to do since it's 15 minutes from Baltimore and 25 minutes from DC.

  4. It will depend on your job.  Not every job goes to every base.

    Personally we have only lived on 2 bases as a family (Hubby went to Korea for a year).

    Fort Huachuca, AZ

    Fort Hood, TX

    Each has there pros and cons.

    Biggest complaints about Fort Huachuca:

    1.  Out in the middle of no where (not my issue but one mentioned a lot)

    2.  Hospitals not being great, mostly when it came to the 6+ hour wait in the ER.  (This may have changed if the new hospital is complete).  Also their "automatic thinking" that someone who is having chronic, undiagnosed pain problems are just looking to score pain medication.  (Had 3 people who went in time after time in pain.  They told them there was "nothing wrong with them" and that they were just "jonesing for a fix" only to find out up to a year later that their pain was from a major medical issue).

    Complaints about Fort Hood:

    1.  Deployed a lot.

    2.  Mixed reviews on if the care is better on post or off post.

  5. I applaud you for considering enlistment.  However, if you have not yet signed, beware.  

    Many have been given promises only to find out that once you sign there is no guarantees.  Once you sign you become the property of the U.S. Military and will go wherever you are ordered.  It is great if the army is actually making that offer but often the recruiter is just trying to make his quota of enlistments.  Check with the local base if you are able to make contact with the commander's office for confimation or contact your U.S. Congressman or Senator that they may check and confirm.

  6. Ft Carson Colorado is a great post.  Wait to go to Hawaii until you are promoted and making more money (it's an expensive place to live).

  7. Carrie P, the ASVAB score stops at you can't score over 100! 70 is a great score! (That was just practice! you should score even higher on the actual test!) However, line scores can be over 100! The army can send you to any posting that they want! I depends on availability and the current needs of the army!  

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