
Joining the police?

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Do you have to have good sight to join the police. Someone told me you can't join if your eyes are quite bad?!




  1. That's why years ago I couldn't join the army.....Blessings Yahoo

  2. This site gives you an idea.

    And this is the main Police recruitment site.

  3. I think bad eye sight for police is a requirment.

    Nah, but you have to be in good shape, which i don't understand when i see HUGE cops but whatever.

  4. Interesting question.  I suppose the vision requirements vary from place to place, but if corrective lenses give you good vision then you would probably be OK.  If you lost your glasses or if they were knocked off and that left you almost blind, then I'm sure you could not get on any police department.  Just FYI when I joined the police in 1969 (yes, I'm that old) if you wore glasses for ANY reason you were automatically turned down for police work.  Even for reading!  One of the guys I joined with used reading glasses, but got the optometrist to leave that off his report.  He kept his glasses in his pocket and never wore them in the office til his one-year probation was up.  Most of us knew about it, but we all kept it to ourselves.  The day after his probation ended he started wearing his glasses everywhere.  Times sure do change!!

  5. As long as your vision can be corrected with glasses, you shouldnt have a problem.

  6. Vision Requirement: uncorrected - no worse than 20/100 in each eye able to be corrected to 20/20 in each eye. Correction may be achieved using glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Color blindness is disqualifying.

  7. As long as you can pass the eyesight test with your vision corrected by glasses or contact lenses then you should be fine.  Speak to your local Police recruitment section who should be able to advise.
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