
Journalism help.?

by  |  earlier

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I interview many bands online, and to go to college, or whatever..Many years from now.

Would showing them all of my printed questions and answers from the bands, make any difference, or help in any way?

Like, if I wrote about the band after the interview.

Help at all?




  1. Not exactly. If you are heading into the journalism field, it's not what you ask that will be printed, it's what you have learned and how you present it. Good interview questions that create wonderful answers are key to getting a good article written, but it is your article with the interviewee's responses that will get published, not your questions.

    I recommend practicing interviewing and writing about the bands, so when you get accepted into college you will have a good background that will help you. Helpful things to look up online are the inverted pyramid writing style, and how to write a feature article.

  2. Let's start slowly. Are you saying that if you presented the questions and answers to colleges, you might have a better chance of getting in? Probably not. Grades and SAT's are still the keys.

    Will stories on the bands down the road help? Well, writing for the school newspaper won't hurt, but you still need the basics.

    Remember -- the rule of writing is to be clear in your presentation. So think before you type.

    Good luck.
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