
Just A What If Survey.. ?

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Celebrity what-if questions.

Tell me what you would do if..

1. You heard that Kelly Clarkson died of AIDS.

2. Zac Efron asked for your Hand In Marriage.

3. Kanye West made an entire album of Daft Punk ripoffs.

4. You read Lucas Grabeel would play his next big role as Bruce Banner.

5. The Youngest Jonas Brother came out of his closet.. but the other two stayed straight.

6. Selena Gomez quit Wizards of Waverly Place to replace Emma Watson's role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter.

7. You got the chance to have a kick-boxing fight with Angelina Jolie LIVE on TV.

8. Ryan Cabrera broadcasted his love for Joe Jonas.

What would be your reaction(s)? One-word Answers are fine.




  1. 1. wow..

    2. i would puke.

    3. i would laugh

    4. O.o

    5. laugh cuz he dated miley, probably the reason why he turned g*y lol

    6. i would die

    7. refuse, im too young

    8. lol

  2. 1. i'd be like WOW...

    2. i'd say no because i don't like him too much

    3. i wouldnt care

    4. i wouldnt care

    5. I'd Die!!! because he's soooo hottt!!

    6. I'd be like yay..i guess because i don't like or watch those harry potter movies

    7. i don't know?!

    8. I'd laugh!!!

  3. 1.Only know like 3 of her songs anyway

    2. Dont really like him anyway

    3.Don't buy it then


    5.Hes my favourite. I would cry :-(


    7.i'd get my butt kicked and run away

    8. Stay away from him

  4. 1. i'd be surprised

    2. i'd say no

    3. i wouldnt care

    4. i wouldnt care

    5. i'd be highly upset

    6. id be confused

    7. id kickbox her to death

    8. id e confused

  5. 1. That'd be sad.

    2. Say that I don't know him.

    3. Haha.

    4. Haha.

    5. Whatever, his life not mine.

    6. Whatever.

    7. No.

    8. Would that even make news?

  6. 1.Cry she's awsome

    2.Marry him and then divorse him to get half of his money.

    3.Wouldn't care

    4.He's awsome, so i'd be happy for him

    5.Say 'I told you so'

    6.Please, Selena can't touch Emma Watson, and if so i'd sue Warner.Bros

    7.Rip out her hair


  7. 1. You heard that Kelly Clarkson died of AIDS.

    I'd be sad. I don't liek her, but it's sad when someone dies, especially at a young age.

    2. Zac Efron asked for your Hand In Marriage.

    Politely refuse since he's too young for me, and not my type.

    3. Kanye West made an entire album of Daft Punk ripoffs.

    Find it strange and i wouldn't buy it.

    4. You read Lucas Grabeel would play his next big role as Bruce Banner.

    No idea who he is so if he wants to be Banner, let him go for it.

    5. The Youngest Jonas Brother came out of his closet.. but the other two stayed straight.

    Good for him. You shouldn't hide who you are. Maybe the other two are straight?

    *I've seen pics but I have no idea whose the youngest*

    6. Selena Gomez quit Wizards of Waverly Place to replace Emma Watson's role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter.

    I'd be very upset. I think Emma Watson does a great job as Hermoine. I have no idea who this Selena Gomez person is, but I'm sure she wouldn't do as good a job as Emma.

    7. You got the chance to have a kick-boxing fight with Angelina Jolie LIVE on TV.

    I'd kick her scrawny butt.

    8. Ryan Cabrera broadcasted his love for Joe Jonas.

    Don't know either of them but I would hope his love is reciprocated.

  8. 1. Say, "Oh my ..."

    2. I would say, " NO!! Aren't you g*y?!"

    3. Cool.

    4. Never going to happen.

    5. Laugh hysterically for hours and days straight.

    6. Never watch Harry Potter movies again.

    7. I love kick boxing. :) But, who knows .

    8. Laugh, laugh, and laugh even more.

  9. that sucks

    yes. oh wow. um. yes. um  idk what to say now. akward. bye.

    I wouldn't buy it

    okay. don't like him so uh


    wtf?!? noooooo! she cant do that. I would hate her for the rest of my life

    YES! that is what I always wanted. I know she would beat me, but still

    laugh. hopefully Joe doesnt turn g*y on him

  10. 1. cry

    2. laugh really hard

    3. buy it, hahah

    4. be really weirded out

    5. that would be the best day of my life!

    6. be pissed

    7. i wouldn't do it!

    8. laugh

  11. 1. Suprised

    2. Slap him, peanut butter slap!

    3. Kill that q***r. I like Daft Punk.

    4. ?

    5. Luagh!!

    6. Now all Disney Freak Fan Girls will be Disney Freak Harry Potter Fan Girls

    7. Not show up

    8. Luagh!  

  12. 1. I would think that's awful, and I would wonder if she got it by doing drugs or having unprotected s*x.

    2. I would be like WTF you're a diva, get away from me.

    3. I don't listen to Kanye West so I wouldn't really give a c**p.

    4. Who?

    5. I would say, "Good for him!"

    6. I would think... "She's not a redhead. And Emma Watson plays the character really well so why would they change it?"

    7. I would turn it down and ask her to lunch.

    8. Ryan Cabrera? People still talk about him?

  13. 1. i do not know..  I think I would be sad cause at one moment in my life i loved her

    2. I would be insulted

    3. I would laugh

    Well, I'm bored.. So that's all the answers you're gunna get.

  14. 1. You heard that Kelly Clarkson died of AIDS.

    That would be really sad.  I don't like her music, but she has a great voice.

    2. Zac Efron asked for your Hand In Marriage.

    I'd probably turn it down, actually lol.  I don't think he's all that cute.  Plus, I think he's g*y.

    3. Kanye West made an entire album of Daft Punk ripoffs.

    Urgh.  You can't mess with Daft!

    4. You read Lucas Grabeel would play his next big role as Bruce Banner.

    I don't know who Lucas Grabeel even is.

    5. The Youngest Jonas Brother came out of his closet.. but the other two stayed straight.

    Oh, the older two would still be g*y.  They'd just be closet g*y for about 5 years.

    6. Selena Gomez quit Wizards of Waverly Place to replace Emma Watson's role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter.

    I'd die.  Even though I really can't stand the Harry Potter movies (love the books).

    7. You got the chance to have a kick-boxing fight with Angelina Jolie LIVE on TV.

    I'd probably loose.  I'm a runner.  We're not renowned for being huge and muscular haha.

    8. Ryan Cabrera broadcasted his love for Joe Jonas.

    Well, they're both g*y anyway.  Who cares?

  15. 1. Say ,"She had AIDS?!"

    2. O_O I dont like Zac Efron.

    3. Id be mad. Theyre rip offs. And Id hate him.

    4. Whoa, he's too scrawny to be the Hulk.

    5. Wow. Id be shocked.

    6. AHAHAHA. xDD

    7. Id take it.

    8. @_X Dang.

  16. 1- oh well

    2- h**l NO

    3- I would ask why would he want 2 ruin his career like that

    4- dont know who either are so dont care

    5- would say its about time

    6- wouldnt care


    8- about time again.

  17. 6.. YAY no more selena!! GO EMMA WATSON!

    the other rest hmm idk.

  18. 2. PUKE

  19. 1. You heard that Kelly Clarkson died of AIDS. ~ i would feel bad for her family

    2. Zac Efron asked for your Hand In Marriage. ~ id say no

    3. Kanye West made an entire album of Daft Punk ripoffs. ~ ??

    4. You read Lucas Grabeel would play his next big role as Bruce Banner. ~ i would laugh my *** off... and i wouldnt see the movie

    5. The Youngest Jonas Brother came out of his closet.. but the other two stayed straight. ~ i would laugh

    6. Selena Gomez quit Wizards of Waverly Place to replace Emma Watson's role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. ~ id be pissed

    7. You got the chance to have a kick-boxing fight with Angelina Jolie LIVE on TV. ~ i would prolly get killed....

    8. Ryan Cabrera broadcasted his love for Joe Jonas. ~ weird

  20. 1- be a bit sympathetic but wouldnt really care

    2- Tell him to get a better haircut and then say h**l yeah

    3- Urinate on the album

    4- Laugh till i peed

    5- Seriously convince myself that incest was going on there

    6- Wonder what the h**l was going on?

    7- Kick her ***

    8- imagine what there children would look like.  

  21. 1. You heard that Kelly Clarkson died of AIDS.- Go Awell I Didnt like her music much

    2. Zac Efron asked for your Hand In Marriage.- WHAT WHERE BRENDON URIE!

    3. Kanye West made an entire album of Daft Punk ripoffs.- Cool

    4. You read Lucas Grabeel would play his next big role as Bruce Banner.LOL NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN

    5. The Youngest Jonas Brother came out of his closet.. but the other two stayed straight.A well 1/3 is not bad

    6. Selena Gomez quit Wizards of Waverly Place to replace Emma Watson's role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter.- Sue J.K. Rolling

    7. You got the chance to have a kick-boxing fight with Angelina Jolie LIVE on TV.- Go Neh I Cant Kickbox

    8. Ryan Cabrera broadcasted his love for Joe Jonas.- PMSL

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