
Just a couple questions??????

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Im 16, my gf's 14. Started dating Saturday. Im gonna meet her mom next saturday.

Ive never had to do the meet the parents thing, so what should I expect?

How can I get her trust?

[She told me that she had a secret that shes only told 1 guy about and he freaked out and left her, and she wasnt going to tell anyone else until she felt i wouldnt turn my back on her.]

Is it wierd that i havent felt this way[[Anxious to be with her/miss her alot more/and rly excited]] about anyone except my first gf? Ive had others between then and now, but this one feels different for me, idk.

We talked about the whole 'saying u love me' stuff last night and her way of thinking is the same as mine[[Not do it just cuz were dating like most ppl]], but she said she's going to wait till i say it since she told a guy tht first once and he freaked.

Im not like most guys, or atleast try not to be. I really care about this girl, and dont wanna hurt her. I completely understand her mom's thinking by wanting to meet me before we do anything else.

And, how much complimenting/being sweet is too much? My last interest told my friend she liked me but im too sweet. And moved on.

[This girl said that she didnt rly care how much i did it as long as i did. Becuz she said she lived in a house with a guy tht called her mom ugly and fat constantly] <-- She said that her big secret mentioned above has to do with him.

And how do I just all around show her I care about her without doing alot to annoy her, i guess heh.?




  1. be polite to her mom,

    also your girlfriend just probably want you to just be there for her. someone to trust, make her feel loved :)

  2. don&#039;t try to make them like you just be yourself as your with your g/f yourself that&#039;s all you need to do. good luck

  3. Hi Brian

         Please don&#039;t worry about meeting your girlfriends parent/s the fact she wants to introduce you is a compliment.  It is natural for a parent to want to meet their child&#039;s boyfriend or girlfriend especially when you are both very young, please don&#039;t think I&#039;m saying your feeling for each other are not genuine this is not so, love is possible no matter what your age is. as for your problem of her secret, the fact that the last time she trusted someone enough to share her secret,  they then rejected her will make her wary about sharing this secret again till she&#039;s sure that it won&#039;t scare you away.  All you can do is reassure her that when ever she is ready to tell you , you will be their to listen and promise to listen without judging her, then just be patient and wait for her to share her feeling.  Your have an old head on young shoulders and seem a lot more confident than your girlfriend try and help her to build her confidence up the best place to start is by listening.  When you go to meet her mum a little tip take a little gift.  this is a very traditional family they will appreciate good manners.

    Blessing to you both.

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