
Just adopted a dog...?

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We just adopted a Boxer/Mastiff mix, she is about 8-10 months. We have gotten at least 3 different answers from various people.

When we got her from the pound, we were told she was slightly underweight. The vet then told us that she would not double in size as we were hoping.

Will the few months that she was under fed lead to a huge stun in growth?

She is about mid-shin at the shoulders, and we are hoping for at least over the knee. Are we hoping for too much?




  1. mid shin at the shoulders only? that is small, I'm not sure whether this theory is true, but dogs kept in confines such as cages that are too small for them will usually end up shorter than breed standard.  i say this because i was in Taiwan a while ago and i was at a dog park - u should see their goldens, labs, huskies, and gsd dogs there, they all look shorter than the ones we have in the states.  Your boxer mix for sure still has a little more growing to do since it's only 8 to 10 months, usually larger dogs stop growing later than smaller dogs; however, i really doubt it will get up to full size.

  2. if she is a boxer mastiff mix i would think she should get to your knee if not larger and the fact that yes she is older but probably wont stop growing until 1-2 years old as larger dog breeds take longer to mature then small breeds. the best thing you can do right now is give her time and love that she was deprived of before. the malnutrition may cause a stunt in her growth but it may not it would depend on the length and severity of the malnutrition. im glad you are opening your heart and your home to this creature that has suffered a horrible past and your giving her a future to look forward to. god bless you and i wish you and you new companion the best.


  4. Poor diet in the early months can stunt growth. You can tell how much growth bone she has left by running your hand down the front legs until you feel a protuding bone. The more bone there the more grwoing she will do. Once a dog is fully grown this bone is flat. Give her plenty of good food, a good calcuim suppliment, plenty of excercise, and just love her...

  5. "Slightly underweight" probably wouldn't be an indicator of her future size.  It could be an indication of sickness so please be sure the vet is involved if things don't get better.  

    With mixed breed, it's sometimes surprising how they turn out.  One thing to do is look at the size of her paws. If they're big, she'll probably be big too but it may be the height of a boxer and the girth of a mastiff.  Enjoy each other and wait to see!  

  6. First off, does her size really matter? It is possible that being underfed in her puppyhood contributed to her not being standard size, or the size you want. It is also possible that she had worms prior to being surrendered to the shelter, that can also stunt a puppy's growth.

  7. First you don't adopt dogs, you adopt children.   You just own dogs.  Second, The word is STUNT (as in stunt your growth).  

    Keep feeding the dog like that she'll be short and FAT.

  8. I recently also adopted a dog which is about a year and I have been having the same problem. I decided to contact a specialist who deals in dog nutrition to determine what my dog needs and if he will ever be the right size for his breed. I have owned his sister since she was a pup and I only recently got o rescue him and he is basically half his sisters height. Ur situation sounds almost exact to mine so I will tell u what I was told. Firstly, u need to consider the fact that ur dog may have been a runt which could result in him being a little smaller. Secondly, most dogs who are underweight and do not recieve proper nutrition also has very little muscle mass which dogs need and mainly get through protein and exercise. Thirdly, He told me that the chance of my dog reaching his full potential height and body structure is very unlikely. He may have some spurts of growth but not to point we would like. Unfortunatly a dogs body does not store its growth for when it recieves the right nutrition - if the dog did not recieve the nutrition he needed when it was needed it was lost.

    Feeding ur dog 3 times a day good. Be sure do add in a fair amount of protein to develop muscle using raw meat if u can.

  9. I don't really have an answer myself.  I did want to say that she is lucky to have her new family!  She sounds more boxer than mastiff... but then again... dogs always have a way of growing into their paws!  

  10. I think your vet would know best.  Sometimes, animal shelter personnel are not very good at telling what breed or mix a dog is.  Sometimes the person who turns the dog in doesn't know or lies.  So...she may or may not be what you were told.  A dog that is slightly underweight was not necessarily stunted in growth.  I wouldn't expect this dog to get over knee high.  Be happy that you saved a life and that she will stay a smaller, easier to manage size and will in all likelihood live longer than a Mastiff.
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