
Just can't agree....HELP!?

by Guest61083  |  earlier

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My boyfriend & I have been talking alot of getting married & planning a wedding. We have gone & looked at rings...he thinks it should be something perfect & huge I told him it isn't about the ring its about what it means....he told me he has looked at over 500 rings between the stores & online.

We also can't seem to agree on anything who will be bridesmaids & groomsmen. Where when etc. Let alone how we are gonna pay for everything.

How can we find some middle ground because it seems like no matter what we talk about we both have very different ideas on that perfect day. But yet no matter what we both say we want it to happen.

*if he didn't have this surgery & had to be off work we would have been enagaged He didn't know surgery would be so soon let alone off work 2-6 weeks maybe longer.




  1. How about he gets to choose the number of people in your wedding court, and you get to chose the ring.

    Since it has to be on your finger I think it should be your choice.

    Cut everything in half. Have three brides maids, counting the maid of honour. And tell the groom to make some more friend.

  2. I would first decide how to finaince it and what your budget will be. Some things may be eliminated simply because its not within your financial limits. Then you and your fiance should each sit down and write a list of whats important to both of you in order of most to least  e.g.  flowers, cake, attire, photographer. From that you each can find a way to comprimise.

    I suggest getting a planner to help organize your ideas.

  3. Im having same problem.  we both have very different ideas on planning our wedding.  The solution i came up with is.   We each get 3 "NO's"   For example:   If he comes up with an idea and you absolutly dont want to compromise on.( cause guys can come up with some REALLY bad ones) use your NO.    and the same goes with him.   But choose your no's wisely, there are many decisions to be made....and you dont want to use them on things that  are not really that important.   It seems to have been helping us.    Good Luck!

  4. This is a very impotent time in your lives and it doesn't come around that often. So I would sit down and have a meeting of the minds, and try  to  compromise the handling of this situation.

  5. figure out how much money u guys have between u, then if he has any brothers that u like, then have them be the groomsmen along with your brothers if u have any. if u have any sisters have them be the bridesmaids along with if he has any sisters....and the ring, decide on one u like and one he likes that u sorta kinda like and then decide on which one u think will mean the most to you in the future...i really hope this helps!

  6. First of all, if the kind of ring really doesnt matter to you, let him pick out what he wants to give to you as long as it isnt going to put you in like serious debt or anything. second of all, when i am doing weddings and people cant agree on something i have them make a list of the things that they want the most in order and go from there. if the theme is most important to you and the place most important to the groom then have it where he wants but have your theme. if things still can not be fixed just remember it is the brides day. stop trying to make everyone else happy because there will always be someone who isn't. *also know that today, anything goes in a wedding, bridesmaids and groomsmen do not have to be the same in number. All in all, it is a day that represents the bride and groom. Do what makes you happy

  7. Budget it in some how if you want to get married soon.Groomsmen should be whoever he wants unless he's friends with one of your ex's then that might be a no no. Your bridesmaids should now be your decision. Just a little advice don't have a huge bridal party because your supposed to get some kind of gift for each of them as a thank you for standing up in your wedding. Only ask your really close friends and/or family.

  8. The answer to this is ridiculously simple:

    1) it's the brides day - It's ALL about the BRIDE.  In a TIE,

    the point goes to the BRIDE.

    2) If everyone wants to do it ONE WAY and the BRIDE wants to do it another - then... you do it the way the BRIDE wants it done.

    3) The groom has TWO important jobs.  I) show up II) do as the BRIDE asks.

    4) See Rules 1-3

    SERIOUSLY - The GROOM to be - should ask "what kind of ring do you want"  then get it.

    SERIOUSLY - the groom should get the h**l out of the PLANNING stage... and enter ONLY when asked... and keep his ideas to himself - UNLESS ASKED.

    Legal question:  Do you you want a RED or WHITE rose on your lapel dear?

    Illegal question:  Anything else.

    I'm not kidding.   Have this guy call me.

    I've done 800 weddings over the 16 years my band played for WEDDINGS... I've seen it all...  the WEDDING that goes best is the one where everyone gets that NO-BODY'S OPINIONS MATTER - as much as the bride.

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